Chapter 194

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• You're good? You grew up a lot. Kang Eichan? Were you touched when I came to see you?
• Like you said, don't give up. Oh, I am going there? Be my IDOL.
• so just wait. I'm going to catch up to you.

"Come. I'll wait for you. Kim Woo-young."

The one who sent the message was Kim Woo-young, the cousin of director Kim Chan-young and the former leader of Mute Seven.

During the performance earlier, it seemed that I saw Wooyoung from somewhere to the left of the protruding stage.

However, I was so focused on performing that I didn't check properly.

I looked at him when I said goodbye to the fans, but he was already gone.

You said you were staying at a house in Nagoya, when did you come to Korea?

Besides, to be on <Be my IDOL>. In a way, it's a very tough relationship with this guy.

If it's a tough relationship, can you make it more chewy?


I called Pyo PD who was just entering the waiting room.

"I'll accept the TVH offer."


"I said I would appear on <Be my IDOL>."


The next day we started marching again.

This is because the Japanese concert is coming up on the 18th.

The poster was shot again, and a new promotional video for the concert was made in line with the Japanese concert.

The choreography was revised and supplemented, and the setup list was slightly tweaked.

That meant practicing over and over again.

In the meantime, the road manager interview was conducted.

I had time to practice for a while, so I was working on a song in the studio. PD Pyo sent a message.

• come out right away

come out right now. It was short but intense.

It's not that I don't know why.

"Ha, you gentleman. Take care of yourself."

I got up from my seat and headed for the 6th floor with leisurely steps. As soon as I entered the CEO office, a shout like a lion's roar pierced PD's lips.

"You bastard. Are you out of your mind?"

The reason was obvious. Kim Chan-young must have come to the company for a road manager interview.

"Is that what you did? I asked you to interview that person."

Of course it's mine. On the day of the last concert, I put a double track so that they could understand that much, but what kind of noise is that?

"A crazy person is like PD-nim?"

He still can't read the big frame with the emotions of the moment.

"You acknowledge that he is a talented person."

"Hey! No matter how much you do, do you think I'm going to take a person who harms you into my family? No way."

Come to think of it, Pyo PD is also very consistent. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of this human being. Now, of course, it works as a downside.

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