Chapter 129

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In the meantime, I was busy preparing for the comeback, so I couldn't confirm it. I took Dajin Go into the dark alley next to the restaurant and immediately hit the barrier.

Then Dajin Go, who was excited to witnessed such a wizard, opened his eyes wide and looked around him.

"It's amazing to look at."

After smiling at Dajin Go, I held out my cell phone to him.

"do you know this?"

It was part of the picture I took in the Troyple party room last time. Dajin Ko narrowed his eyes and looked at the screen of his mobile phone.

"What is it?"

"See here? It's this seal."

I enlarged the photo and took a close-up of the seal part.

The two crescent moons facing each other, the eyes hanging on the pointed tower, and the eagle's claw grabbing the eyes are interlocked in a strange composition.

Then Dajin Ko tilted his head at an angle.

"Do you know? You know?"

Dajin God, who made an ambiguous expression as if he knew or did not know, asked worriedly.

"Is it bad?"

ha, look at this Ah yes. I know.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and answered with a disapproving face.

"A ring with this pattern engraved on it, I met a person wearing it. They have similar characteristics to you."

"What is... his nature?"

"A person with a magical hand."

Dajin Go's eyes trembled faintly.

" You know it?"

A person with the hands of a wizard. The expression is a little funny, but there is nothing else to say. Because he's literally a man with that hand.

After thinking for a while, Dajin Go opened his mouth with difficulty.

"The ring, that wizard also had it."


"The wizard I met when I was young."

You met someone more than 20 years ago, and you even remember the ring he was wearing? What if you can't even remember what happened yesterday?

"The wizard was wearing a ring like that."

"Do you have one too? A ring?"


It makes no sense not to have a ring. The pattern engraved on the ring was not a simple design. It's a magic circle. It is also a very difficult magic circle. It was clear that this magic circle was defending the signs of the heart.

There is no way that Go Dajin, who cannot communicate the spirit of the heart, does not have a magic circle. If it wasn't a ring, it would definitely exist in some other form.

"Are you sure you don't?"

"No, no."


I laughed coldly and created magical powers at my fingertips. Even if he can't reveal it himself, it's enough if I find it. Originally, magic is to find magic.


A blue light rose at the fingertips. Then Dajin Go's eyes widened.

Either that or not.

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