Chapter 95

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Dirty cubs.

I barely managed to stop the swear words from escaping, and smiled.

"Uh, thanks."

There are many eyes.

In addition, judging from Yubin Jeong's background, it's a perfect situation to get hit back if you carelessly touch it.

Anyway, he thinks my memory is twisted, and he is using that as an excuse to make up all lies.

So I decided to watch more.

Lies are originally a noose that you throw at yourself. One day, the lies thrown by your lips will catch your ankle. Because that's the way of the world.

"How are you?"

"Yes. We decided to go back to the beginning and start over. We trust and rely on Wooyoung so much..."

How are you selling Kim Woo-young?

So now Kim Woo-young has done everything wrong, and you have only the sin of trusting and following Kim Woo-young. What do you mean?

"I'm so glad you didn't get hurt too much, and your team is doing well."

Is it really so? Sounds like something you don't even have in mind? In order to examine Jeong Yu-bin's mind, I activated my mind's presence level 1.

But still I can't see anything.

'Then step two.'

Still can't see it.

When we first met, it looked fine.

"Thank you for your concern."

So, I have to point out one thing here.

"Jeong Yubin. Do you know Arche?"



The fact that the signs of the heart that were read at first do not work now means that a problem has arisen.

It's understandable if I can't read his mind because he's under the control of the demon king like Yunoa, but an ordinary human can't defend my mind's presence.

In the end, some force is blocking the relationship between Jeong Yu-bin and me. It was most likely related to the demon king.

"Among the people of Korea, are there people who don't know ARCHE?"

Not the answer I was expecting.

But it was enough time to examine his expression.

"Don't know that, Yunoa, are you close with senior?"

Then, for a moment, Jeong Yu-bin lost his words.

His head seems to be spinning as he tries to think why I'm asking this question.

Yes, Jeong Yu-bin is such a bastard.

The day I first met him in the hallway of <Music City>, I had a glimpsed of Jung Yu-bin's heart for a very short time.

In my memory, this kid was a very high-level kid. At the same time, he doesn't want to show himself in front of people

Hee was the kind of person who takes pleasure in doing bad things behind someone's back. The puppet Jung Yoo-bin chose was Kim Woo-young.

This type never reveals its true nature to the enemy.

However, his desire to show off is so great that he won't bother to hide his friendship with ARCHE.

"No, he's a senior I respect, but personally I don't know him. Senior Yuno-ah is famous for not being friendly with singers."

everyone is saying this. Yunoa doesn't have friends with singers. But since I am close to him, I am the chosen. they envy.

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