Chapter 127

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"Do you have any coins?"

When you come to the M&E Center to stand on the M-Start stage, Han Jun's coin-taking will begin.

Even today, Hanjun continued to beg for coins.

"Do you want some cocoa?"


"Let's go. Together."

After rummaging through my pockets for coins, I took the lead.

It's before rehearsal, and there's still a lot of time left before pre-recording. Before that, there was something to check.

I stood in front of the vending machine at the end of the hallway and pulled out two cups of cocoa. After that, I sat down with Hanjun at the table next to the vending machine.

"Hyung eats too."

Hanjun narrowed his eyes as he took out the brownie Siu had given me a moment ago.

"me too?"

The reaction to the subject of gluttony is somewhat rough. He must have heard the story from the little ones beforehand.


"Should I eat it? I think I'll know even if I don't eat it."

"Eat, judge. I heard that Siwoo pays tribute to the filaments with this."


At my words, Hanjun jumped up in fright.

Come to think of it, Hanjun and Roa went inside first, so they didn't know the situation.

"Yes, that's how it happened, so let's eat and judge."

I took out a brownie the size of two fingers, cut it in half, and handed one to Hanjun.

"All of this?"

"Then, who will eat it if it's not the same member?"

Hanjun, frowning, looked at the brownie with a confused face. It was then. At the end of the corridor, the door opened and Kim Jung-soo came out.

"Hey. Call Jeongsu-hyung too."

""Should I?"

He sent me a loud chat saying see you at dawn during rehearsal, and we met well.

"Jeongsu hyung."

When I raised my hand, Jeongsu, equipped with a large dog mode, came running to greet me. If it feels like its huge tail is dangling, it's just a feeling.


Jung-soo, who approached with a broad smile, I held out a side of the brownie without a word. Then Jeongsu blinked his big eyes and looked at Brownie and at my face.


"Whatever, just eat."

Then I looked at the two of them with a grim face.

"We'll eat it in one, two, three."

Hanjun swallowed dry saliva and nodded his head.

"One, two, three."

Hanjun put the brownie in his mouth, frowning as if he were taking bitter medicine. Then Jung-soo, who was puzzled, frowned and took a bite.

I too swallowed the brownie with a reluctant face.

And the three of us coughed at the same time.

Kak-kak, Han-joon coughed and drank the cocoa.

Then the cough got thicker.

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