Chapter 135

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"Leechan-kun. How is your condition today?"

Park Jeong-rae, president of H-NET, asked brightly.

"I had a good rest yesterday, so I'm fine."

The Paris K-KON and LA K-KON schedules were so close together that all of the participating singers were in poor physical condition. For that reason, yesterday's rehearsal atmosphere was not good.

Park Jung-rae's eyes were busy looking at the faces of the singers, perhaps worried about that.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Park Jeong-rae, with a warm smile, handed me a luxurious envelope. Park Jeong-rae's eyes curled softly when I did not readily accept it.

"There's a party at the hotel after the concert today."

I heard that from Pyo PD.

It was a party held by the organizers, and invitations were sent only to the top-tier participants, including the CEO of the participating singer's agency.

I understand that the reason Pyo PD accompanied us to this K-KON schedule was because of this party after all. It's a place where all the influential people in this industry gather, so I have to take a picture of them.

[I'm going to promote you to the elders this time, so I'm going to build a platform so that you can become the first team in about two years.]

2 years? Too late.

Besides, that wouldn't be something that could be done through one's own efforts, so he brags fearlessly.

Of course, it must mean that it is a party where prominent people gather.

"I want to invite Chan Lee to the party?"

Are you inviting me to that party?

Maybe it was because of the relationship that I found his ring last time, Park Jung-rae liked me quite a bit. Still, this level of favor is excessive. It's also special.

Come to think of it, having a magic circle doesn't necessarily mean you're against me.

Unlike Akira or Jung Yu-bin, President Park Jung-rae's attitude towards me is definitely imbued with good feelings.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to go."

I smiled and accepted the invitation.

At that moment, Park Jeong-rae's gaze stayed on my finger.

"Your ring looks great today too. Lee Chan-kun."

I came wearing a ring with a design that stands out on purpose.

An eagle claw shape wraps around the hand, and it is a design that partially resembles Park Jeong-rae's ring pattern. Maybe that's why, today he showed interest in my ring.

"You said you like rings, but you wore a ring with a different design than yesterday."

Oh my, You look at the ring yesterday too.

I only briefly brushed it before rehearsal. I gently touched the ring with a smile on my face and gaze at Park Jeong-rae's finger.

"The boss always wears the same ring."

The ring in question was still on his finger today.

It was when he met me at Incheon International Airport on the day he left for Paris and recognized me and started talking to me. Immediately, magic detection magic was applied to verify whether his ring is a magic circle or not.

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