Chapter 188

416 18 1


"Roa hyung."

While searching for concert responses in the car on the way to work, Jae-won found a post that had just been posted on an idol community and called Roa.


"I heard that this is a photo of Chan hyung's sighting?"

Jaewon held out his cell phone to Roa who was beside him. Roa's head tilted as he picked up the phone.

"The clothes..."

Roa and Jaewon recalled the black padded jumper Lee Chan was wearing when they left the concert earlier.

"Is it the same?"

"Right. Like the location of the piercings, and the gray hair... I think it's hyung-ah, right?"

Then Loa frowned and shook his head.

"Nonsense. That's Incheon Airport, and it's only been 10 minutes since we left the gymnastics arena."

It didn't make sense physically. However, the man in the picture is too similar to be Lee Chan. No, it's hard to tell them apart because it's a blurry picture, but the clothes, rings, piercings, and sneakers were all the same.

So he sent a message to Chan Lee.

Hyung, where are you? •

However, the number 1 next to the conversation cannot be erased.

"Why don't you read?"

Loa stuck his head out and looked out the window in front of him.

Yi- Chan will be riding in the black van that is running ahead.

Obviously, he saw him getting into the car, and since the van that had started earlier was driving toward the company, the probability that the man in the picture was Chan Lee is zero.

'What are you trying to check?'

Even so, a strange sense of déjà vu made the downy hair stand up along the spine.

Hasn't this happened before?

He called Hanjun.

The signal went through about three times and Hanjun answered the phone.

- Yes. why?

It's a very sleepy voice. It looks like he just woke up.

"Hyung-nim. I'm sorry. Is Lee-chan hyung-nim with you?"

He heard a rustling sound, as if confirming it, and Hanjun's languid voice came out.

- Yes. He is sleeping.


He told he'll get some sleep and not wake him up until they arrived.

"Ah, yes. Then, hyung, get some sleep too."

I hung up.

Yes. Then it is. It can't be Lee Chan.

There's no way he went all the way to Incheon Airport when everyone was exhausted from the concert.

Not physically on time.

How do you get there unless you have some kind of teleportation ability? That's just what he was thinking.

"Didn't that hyung really go? If you'll find out, maybe he just teleported and just went around here and there."

Jaewon threw the words like a joke. He thought it was funny even after he said it, so they talked for a while longer.

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