Chapter 146

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It is the first day of filming for <Survival, Music Genius>.

It was the fourth day since we went to the jungle, and it was also the day when the hospitalized children were discharged.

After casting my vote as a hidden performer in a program where participants had already been selected, I headed to the TVH M&E Center without much preparation.

But I wasn't worried.

After all, the most important thing in a survival program is 'skill'.

After going through the formalities at the entrance, I went inside and the camera caught up with me as if they had been waiting. It was a familiar face, so it was the intention to pick up the quantity.

If so, you should respond appropriately.

From now on, I intend to properly show the side of a 2nd-year genius idol who is calm yet polite, shy and sociable.

"Kang Yi-chan, this way."

I put the participation number 65 on my chest and entered the room where the staff guided me.

In the room, sixty-four participants were waiting for their turn, warming their heads in their own way.

As soon as I entered, their eyes are focused on me.

Everyone was surprised, as if it was an unexpected person.

"Aren't you an idol? That... What what was that LIT?"

"That's right, a rising new idol these days."

"What do you mean a rookie? It's been two years."

"Wow, but these days, idols seem to have quite a few singer-songwriters, right?"

From those who barely recognize faces to those who have proper information, their recognition has been verified.

All kinds of fierce emotions overflowed in the gaze looking at it as if it was unexpected.

Of course, there were also some people who had nostalgic feelings.

"Is it an idol again?"

"Who cares? There were idols last season too."

"At that time, it was only one. He was eliminated in the beginning."

"He's going to be eliminated early this time too. In the end, you have to have skills to survive."

yes, that is the correct answer

In the end, you have to have skills to go to the end.

I smiled and greeted everyone I met with an idol-style greeting.

"Hello. My name is Kang Yi-chan. Thank you very much."

No one blatantly disliked me as I bent down to say hello. No, rather, they're changing their route out of good feelings.

Except for one person, of course.

T.I.One's Taei, who was sitting in the middle of the waiting room, looked at me and bit his molars with a rotten face.

On the other hand, Sniper Seok-woo, a member of the same loot, greeted me with delight.


Seok-woo approached and hugged me gently, smiling brightly.

"If you are appearing here, you should tell me right away. It would have been nice if we had prepared together."

"I'm sorry. Hyung."

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