Chapter 143

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It is, though. To express such a grievous sense of inferiority in this way, in many ways, did not work.

Eventually, Kim Jun-mo did not hesitate to throw out remarks that were almost certain to be edited. Because of this Kim Jun-mo, not only the performers but also the staff were getting annoyed.

Eventually, an accident occurred.


On the morning of the fourth day, I was awakened early by water dripping down my face. It was raining.

"Hyung. Is it raining a lot?"

Loa also seemed to have woken up from the rain.

Roa, who sat up with a dirty face, woke up. Because the rain was pouring through the roof.

It is only a matter of time before the roof collapses.

"I'll check the situation and come back. Pack your things. We might have to change camp."


I put a waterproof anorak hood on my head and went outside.

The campfire was immediately extinguished, and the sky was all gray.

The thick raindrops were falling on the black surging sea, creating a noise.

"The weather isn't too bad."

It was literally out of the ordinary. It isn't raining because it was the rainy season, but the atmosphere is like a storm is about to strike.

At that moment, a loud noise was heard and the roof of Isak Kim's house collapsed.

"Hey, Mr. why did you kick it?"

It was Kim Seok-hwa's voice.

"It's been raining and it can't stand the weight of the water."

Kim Jun-mo caused another problem.

The raindrops fell on the roof of the leaves, and the clothes looked a little wet, but in annoyance, he kicked the pillars holding the roof with his foot.

Thanks to this, the whole house collapsed, and Kim Isak and Kim Hyeon-soo, who had not yet woke up, seemed very surprised. The members of the team who were exposed to the rain said a word to Kim Jun-mo in turn.

"It's really not once or twice. Is that all you know?"

While holding it in, Kim Isaac said a word.

"You're already 24 years old yet you're immature? Look at Lit. They're a lot younger than you, but they're much more mature."

"Wow. That's really too much."

In the end, Kim Jun-mo also expressed his feelings.

"Compare them to me? Who wasn't an idol in the old days? Idols are originally trained that way. They say they don't have brains. Like parrots, they act like they've been trained."

After riding a crooked line since yesterday, he finally tripped over us and fell. A being without a brain, a being that behaves as trained as a parrot.

It was a remark that demeaned all idols.

However, in this jungle team, there were active idols besides us.

"Hey, you bastard."

Kim Seok-hwa, the second-generation idol.

"Since you were an idol too, you must have been trained that way. Then act as you were trained. Don't embarrass the idols."

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