Chapter 89

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Photos were uploaded one after another on L.I.T's official SNS. The first photo was uploaded by Jaewon.

The background is a restaurant, and Siwoo was smiling brightly in front of the hot Samgyetang. However, the shape of the hand placed on the table is not normal.

It was said to be neatly placed, but only the fingers stood up while the green cast was wrapped.

And under the photo was Jaewon's short text and hashtag.

<Filament folks, these days, we've been criticized 24 hours a day.>

#Lit_L.I.T #JJAN #Yun Si-woo_Recent situation #John's good swearing #Daeguk Mingyu_Exhibition

The second picture was also a picture of Siu.

This time, Roa uploaded a picture of Siwoo sleeping in the corner of the practice room.

Fingers placed neatly on his stomach. But as expected, the middle finger was pointing upwards, unbent.

<Siwoo-hyung doesn't miss practice even when he's injured. Filaments, don't worry. We'll bring you good news soon.>

#ROA #Hyung Siwoo_Get well soon #Filaments arere last picture was uploaded by Lee Chan.

Maybe they are practicing choreography, but the members in comfortable clothes are talking about something with the choreographer.

With the round man in the middle, Siwoo and Hanjun are facing each other on the left and right, and Siwoo is holding out his injured hand to Hanjun.

That too, along with Siwoo's unique sweet smile.

But what's funny is that the other two are looking at Siwoo's fingertips with strange expressions.

<I know it's not that serious, but Han Joon-hyung still feels bad. And Mr. Ji Yeongjun.>

#Let's get rid of the cast _siwoo_yoon #today_is_the_day_siwoo_yoon_remove_the_cast

Filaments burst into laughter at Lee Chan's comment.

And Siwoo was enthusiastic about taking off his cast.

• husband. Finally got the cast off ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ great job

• Siwoo said his wish is to wash his face with both hands. He can do it with both hands now. congratulations \(@^0^@)/

• No ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But the kids making fun of Siwoo with his fingers too bigㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

• When Akira's apology came up, the picture was not good ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I laughed the most at that time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I laughed when pictures came up with hands on the wall

ㄴAs soon as I finished it, it was a refreshing moment. The expression on Akira is perfect ㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴㄹㅇIt's not that I'm laughing It was just that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

• Did Akira come to apologize? And a picture?

ㄴShe took a picture when she wrote an apology and posted it to prove that she had apologized, but she was in a bad mood two days later? It was deleted.

ㄴBut it is said to have been suppressed. Throwing photos (photo), (photo), (photo)

ㄴthanks. And what is with Akira's toughness? Is that really the face of a person apologizing?

• If there hadn't been conclusive evidence against Akira, she wouldn't have apologized until the end. She never thought that the cameraman would follow and film it all ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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