Chapter 84

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They said it was a part-timer, but it was a handyman.

He had to serve drinks, set the table, pay bills, and even play the piano.

In addition, when called from the kitchen, you have to run and help out.

Yunoa and I were the only people who spoke English fluently, so we had to run around even busier.

Besides, we have to go back to the beach and busking tomorrow morning.

As the evening progressed, I began to feel a sense of self-doubt.

Where am I, who am I?

Why am I still here and doing these things? I really felt like I want to go back right away.

"Going back."

There was a smile of despondency with the lips pressed.

"Do you have a place to go?"

The place to go, without knowing it, I thought of the accommodation where the children were.

That's not my place to go back anymore.

After this schedule was over, I made up my mind to leave this game. Of course I won't go back there.

But why do my thoughts keep going to the children?

"Calm down. They're not real colleagues or anything."

If I go back, this time I will get my nose done perfectly. Being suppressed by the leader's position and the sham sense of responsibility, one cannot live a free life.

Yes, I'm on an emotional vacation right now.

Throw everything away and enjoy your vacation.

"So what are you going to do?"

On the third day, before starting business in the evening, I was on my way to the mart to run errands for Cha Ju-hyeok.

Yunoa, who was walking slowly behind me, suddenly asked a question.


It's gotten to the point where I won't avoid him when he talks to me.

Looking at it, it seemed that this child also had thoughts.

It seems that he has no intention of harming me. Of course, 'so far'.

Then there is no need to avoid it and set the day.

Especially when the camera is rolling.

On the other side of the narrow road, a VJ was capturing us on camera.

Opportunities like this rarely come around.

The moment that contained only the screen and no audio was an opportunity to tell a personal story, so Yunoa could not miss it. It's also an opportunity for me to get information from the Demon King.

"How are you going to leave L.I.T. Is there a way?"

"It's easy. I don't have to go back."

"What about the contract?"

Yes, I had a contract with Blade Entertainment for 7 years.

If you break the contract, there is a penalty and I can be involved in a damages lawsuit.

It's not that I didn't think of it.

But the demon king bastard doesn't know the speed and starts off with a sarcasm.

"As expected, the Archmage, who has never done anything called a contract, doesn't seem to understand how dangerous and important a contract is."

"Good for you. You made a lot of contracts with people's souls."

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