Chapter 159

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The last words were a bit strong in tone.

Then, startled, PD Pyo inserted the USB into the notebook with an embarrassed face.

Did it hurt his pride to doze off in front of me? Before clicking on the file, PD Pyo added a word without hesitation.

"I'm hanging on to you because you're my uncle."

"Okay. Okay, so let's listen."

PD Pyo emphasized that he was not intimidated by my charisma and clicked on the file.

A completely different version of <Shadow> from Arke's original song flowed through the speakers.

Pyo PD, who at first just listened with a hard face, gradually fell in love with music.

Soon, he opened his eyes wide, as if he was a little surprised, and met my gaze.

"He doesn't have a studio, and he doesn't have an agency."

PD Pyo Chun-hee is a great composer. He is an excellent producer.

He has an excellent sense of reading the flow of trends, and he has an eye for recognizing treasure-like talent. Unless he obscures his superior senses by being petty in this way.

"If he's in third place, we'll catch him."

All of <Survival, Musical Genius> goes up to 6 rounds.

From the 12 people who came up in the 4th round, 6 people are selected and proceed to the 5th round, and these 6 people stay together until the 6th round. The final top three will be determined by adding the results of the 5th round to the 6th round of the self-composed song contest.

The fact that all of this is broadcast live is the reason why Survival, Music Genius > heard the voice of a teaching assistant from hell.

This is because it is not something that can be covered up or exaggerated through editing. Since not a single mistake is tolerated, the top three contestants have no choice but to listen to the voice of the most talented.

That's why Taei was aiming for this program, and I also decided to beat Taei with this program.

Now that the turning point has been reached, the final six and the top three are being predicted. And one of them is Seo Hanul.

"You must have liked godajin that I recommended."

PD Pyo liked Dajin Go quite a bit. He could be seen trying to make something with him.

"I heard that you have eyes who can see."

PD Pyo cleared his throat as if to confirm that I was right.

"You'll like Seo Han-ul as much as you do."

"I don't like it. You're my priority. The guy who is your rival, I only like his skills..."

"Hey. Hey. I don't know you're like this."

Even though he seems like a friendly neighborhood hyung, he shows his teeth and growls ferociously towards the existence that sets up an angle of confrontation with his people. Now, setting a day against Seo Han-ul also came from his affection for me, so I didn't push him anymore.

"Do you think I won't be number one?"

Instead, I instilled confidence.

"I'm the first place anyway. Seo Han-ul will be in second or third place."

It may seem arrogant. But it's true.

"So, don't worry, PD-nim does his job as a CEO."


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