Chapter 198

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"Wow, that's awesome. You're Mad Joohee as expected."

Roa burst into admiration while watching the video uploaded to Uverse.

"Yeah. I saw it too."

Before being discharged yesterday, I watched a video with Kim Chan-young.

Mad Joohee, a famous new tuber, a fan who turned 28 this year did something very special.

The relationship between me and Kim Woo-young was drawn very plausibly, and the laptop case was listed in chronological order, starting with Jeong Yoo-bin crying at a press conference. In addition, how did she find it, she even brought an article about Kim Chan-young's fall accident.

She even edited and uploaded a photo of Wooyoung Kim who came to our concert. The most interesting thing is the music broadcast fan cam that was edited together, and the video almost said it all.

This is the scene where everyone congratulates us on winning first place on the final stage.

Somehow, we and Mute Seven stood on stage side by side, and the positions of the Mute Seven members are very eye-catching. Once we stood in official order. Next to me is Mute 7, but Kim Woo-young, without even noticing, was sitting close to me and talking nonsense.

I don't remember exactly, but he must have been throwing something insulting words.

However, both of us looked very close in terms of facial expressions.

The problem is the rest of the Mute Seven members.

With Jung Yoo-bin next to Kim Woo-young as a boundary, all the members are looking at Kim Woo-young with a very serious look.

Everyone seems to be saying, 'You got hit by Yubin Jung again?'

Jeong Yu-bin is smiling very mildly, but the situation in the photo is so serious that the smile can no longer be seen as benign.

Even in the photos that followed, Kim Woo-young was hiding his bruised face under heavy makeup.

"Is the reaction also brutal?"

Roa, who read every single fan response, is happy that things are going well.

"Our fans, all of you are smart. From the fall building accident to this car accident, there was an uproar saying that it didn't seem like a coincidence."

Then, Siwoo helped out with a word.

"I saw that too. Attacking director Kim Chan-young is considered a threat to our leader. The Lit fandom will not stand still. You know?"

Everyone calls him Mr. Hmm or 'the one whose name cannot be called', but they couldn't help but know that it refers to Myung-Woo Jang, CEO of HS.

"Have you already started? A picture of a banner attached to the Yongsan Police Station was uploaded. <I will protect my deul-i.> <We call for a thorough investigation about the traffic accidents involving Rit Kang Leader.>"

Loa held out a picture.

It is said that several filaments who identified themselves as <Kang Yi-chan Supporters> even submitted a complaint to the Yongsan Police Station.

Things are going very well.

At this rate, the heart of Jang Myeong-woo, CEO of HS, will be very chewy.

Then the car stopped in front of the TVH M&E Center. Kim Chan-young, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked back with a very embarrassed face.

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