Chapter 125

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[Let's go to the jungle. You are recruited from <Lord of the Jungle>.]

I'm astounded.

Let's go even though you're not going?

You can go alone.

After coming down to the training center, I ran on the treadmill.

Then Hanjun, who was doing weight exercises, approached me.

"Why? What does Pyo PD-nim say?"

Hanjun, sweating profusely, set the time on the treadmill next to me.

"The results of this album seem to be good, did you hear something bad about it?"

Then I started running more on the treadmill.

Siwoo, who had been drinking water at Hanjun's words, also hurriedly approached.

"Was there a bad reaction?"

Siwoo, with a worried face, carefully looked at me.

"No, they say the response is good."

The comeback promotional entertainment show has already been filmed.

After appearing on a music show tomorrow, entertainment shows will also air one by one.

First, <Attack on Home Meal> featuring Siwoo will be aired. The next day, <Jumping Man> starring Jaewon and Hanjun will be aired.

On Sunday night, there will be an interview from <Midnight Entertainment Information>, and on Tuesday, <Idol Research Institute>, which will be filmed today, will be aired.

We appeared in as many as four variety shows, but we lacked something, so we even go to the jungle.

"I was very excited because PD-nim said the response was so good."


"Yes. Pre-orders of 310,000 copies."

Then Siwoo's eyes, which were already big, widened even more.

"oh my god."

"Isn't that great?"

Siwoo and Hanjun exclaimed with excited faces.

Yeah, that's great for a two year idol.

I nodded and sped up the treadmill a bit more. Then, Hanjun, who increased his running speed competitively, gasped and continued.

"But why is your expression so bad? As if you heard something you don't want to hear."

"I did hear something unpleasant."

At once, Hanjun and Siu's expressions crumpled in anxiety. The sound of the nervous Siwoo flipping chips could be heard over the sound of the treadmill.

"They said we're invited to appear in The Lord of the Jungle."

"Lord of the Jungle?"

Hanjun, who was running well, got twisted and fell.

Hanjun jumped up again and approached with a flushed face.

"Are you sure the invitation came from the Lord of the Jungle?"

"What's with the reaction? Do you want to go?"

"No, not that."

Hanjun, with a clear expression of excitement, waved his hand.

"Lord of the Jungle, they don't ask anyone to appear, but I think we've really grown up."

It was not wrong.

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