Chapter 90

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Mid-February, Saturday evening.

The filaments were busy guarding and defending themselves in front of the TV.

"Hey. Go in and look at the computer."

"Shut up. This is only on the airwaves, so you have to watch it on TV."

High school senior. No, In-yeong, who was about to enter the first year of college, was also busy buying the living room TV from her brother.

"In-cheol, you yield. How hard has In-yeong been studying?"

Who would have known that her youngest daughter, who was obsessed with idols and thought she was wasting her time doing fanfare, would pass the best undergraduate school in Korea, especially the Department of English Literature? So, as In-young's mother said, she was just passing by.

"And L.I.T. is coming out."

It's L.I.T. He was the benefactor of benefactors who taught her youngest daughter to study. Her brain is really good, but L.I.T was the one who changed her personality 180 degrees, which was not her effort at the time.

When her father said that if she raised her grades, she would be allowed to be a homma, she gritted her teeth and the result of her studies returned to college acceptance.

"So everyone be quiet, look at L.I.T."

At the mother's words, the whole family sat down in front of the television. Saturday evening, 6pm.

<Idol Olympics>, which occupied the golden time zone, was finally released for the first time. At the beginning of the program, National MC Oh Ji-seok, in charge of MC, introduced the participants. Then, the album concept photos of idols filled the screen and passed with a loud sound.

As the photo of L.I.T passed by, In-young let out a loud noise.

There are ten teams of participants, five Korean idol teams and five Japanese idol teams.

It seemed that it was filmed by connecting Seoul and Tokyo in two circles.

Oh Ji-seok and the Japanese MC exchanged a few words each in their own language, then exclaimed 'Player's position' in an excited voice.

-Player entry.

Then, performers began to appear in the studio one after another.


Inyoung quickly blinked her eyes.

When Oh Ji-seok called 'Colpis', Colpis, dressed in a somewhat strange outfit, appeared dancing excitedly.

It was only after the second team was called that she realized that the setting of this program was a bit odd.

"What kind of thing did they cosplay for?"

The seven members of Colpis were imitating characters from Marvel Comics. Of course, they're not completely dressed up. Should you say that they wore things that could be the symbol of each character?

After briefly bowing in front of the microphone, Colpis imitated the way each character displayed their abilities and sat down.

The next team, Sweet Chew, came out with a magical girl concept. Magical girl wearing a lovely dress and holding a magic wand.

And another team put on their uniforms.

Firefighters, police officers, doctors, etc. Appearing in a pretty cool look, they gave a salute and sat down.

The last one was L.I.T.

The moment L.I.T appeared, In-young screamed involuntarily.

My God, Jaewon who first appeared in the studio...... He was dressed in a bunny suit. From his long ears to his round tail.

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