Chapter 115

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I also followed Hanjun.

Looking at it, it seems that the aggro text has been raised.

Kyuhyung's shoulders, who were walking ahead, felt quite heavy. The place where Kyuhyung took us was not the CEO office but the conference room.

Like last time, it seems that all the pivotal figures of the company have gathered,

If there was a difference from the last time, it was that they have a serious face like everyone else.

I turned on the spirit of the heart. Then dozens of heart sounds rushed in at once.

《What are you going to do now? It's been a while since we're invited to K-KON and popped champagne. Isn't K-KON canceled?》

《Damn it, I got my nose stuck in the finished rice. He said it would work out.》

The 'ko' in 'to drop your nose' also means 'runny nose'. In Korea, there is a proverb that says, 'Put your nose in cooked rice'. It means that you have finished cooking, but you have dripped mucus on it. You won't be able to eat it. Like this, 'put your nose out' is used in a situation where something is ruined.
ex) I got my nose stuck in the finished rice!

《It's still too early to make a hasty decision. It won't be. Yes, it shouldn't be.》

《What can I do, how much credit have I put into them?》

《Absolutely, absolutely not. It's not another guy, it's Han Joon.》

It's a mess.

Company employees are like this, what about the fans?

"I'm sorry I called you during practice. Sit down for now."

It was PD Pyo who broke the awkward silence.

PD Pyo, who invited us to sit down, uploaded a video as soon as we sat down.

What popped up on the white wall was an anonymous post posted on the idol fan community.

I am accusing L.I.T. Han Jun (real name Han Jun-young).


You chose it very provocatively, starting with the title.

It's like he's a sinner.

A few days ago, there were people who were unfairly driven out because of my post, so I had no choice but to reveal the truth.

So, you reveal the truth thinking about the people who were on the list with HAN JUN?

This is how you're going to justify yourself?

In what way that this action right now is justice?

Yes. The devil-like human who ruined my life is Han Jun (Han Jun-young) of L.I.T. As I said earlier, I went to the same high school as Junyoung Han, and we're also a classmate in the second year.

The proud Han Joon-young may not remember me. But for me, the year I was in the same class as Han Jun-young was like hell.

Han Jun-young, who was the class president, was not good at studying. He was a case of being class president just because he was a little bit taller, a little bit handsome, and he was a little bit good at rapping.

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