Chapter 144

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The light bulb luminous power was really the best.

It didn't shine in one place like a flashlight, but the whole surroundings were subtly illuminated, so it felt cozy in the dark jungle.

"Oh, it doesn't even rain here."

At Hanjun's words, Lee Hanwoo nodded.

"That's how thick the trees are. Look at it. Does rainwater drip down the tree trunks? That's how wet the ground is, and there are a lot of swampy areas. You have to look carefully and walk."

He said one more time to walk ahead and be careful.

I smiled and nodded and walked slowly, following the signal that only I could see. Roa and Jaewon stood on either side of me, and Hanjun and Siu followed closely behind me.

Seeing this, Lee Han-woo laughed.

"Hey, since you guys are like that, you look like a combined robot. Do you usually go around like that?"

"They coalesce and then separate, and then coalesce again, and so on."

When I answered like a joke, Lee Han-woo, assistant director, and VJ all laughed. Yes, in scary and tense moments, you should laugh like this to lighten the mood.

"Aren't you scared?"

Lee Han-woo asked as he saw us bravely running through the jungle.

Then Jaewon replied with a bright smile.

"Chanie hyung is our team's talisman. If we stick like this, it won't be a problem even if a snake comes out."


"Yes, seeing this Hyung like this is like being struck by lightning..."

Hanjun covered Jaewon's lips with his hand.

"Lee Chan-yi is a symbol of good luck. He survived both the lighting accident and the fire accident."

"That's right. I saw the article too. I heard Lee Chan-i was even on fire?"

"I was lucky."

When I replied indifferently, Lee Han-woo nodded his head.

"You're lucky, so you're worth using as a talisman."

Even in Lee Han-woo's voice, the tension was disappearing.

"Sure. Our leader is good at finding roads, catching snakes, and he's the best."

At the end of Jaewon's mischievous words, the tension returned. The jungle got deeper and deeper, and the light was getting less and less. As if the connection with the world had been cut off, it was also quiet over the walkie-talkie.

"Waah, how spooky is this?"

At Hanjun's words, Siwoo swallowed dry saliva.

Neither the assistant director nor the VJs said anything.

A bleak sound could be heard in the jungle where the silence came.

eu eu euk, heu euk, ue oe o aaaak.

At the same time, the group stopped walking and quietly listened to the strange sound. And Jaewon broke the silence.

"This is the voice of senior Kim Jun-mo, I'm betting Han Jun-hyung's limited edition game pack."

"Hey. Why are you hanging my game pack there?"

"That's how true it is. Are you a hundred percent it's Kim Jun-mo senior?"

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