Chapter 140

551 19 5

Isak Kim, Seokhwa Kim, Hyunsoo Kim, Junmo Kim, and Jackie Kim.

They said they would form a rival team with us, but the production team named the opposing team K.I.T. It is an acronym for Kim into team.

Anyway, two of the five people I already knew, so the burden was reduced. It's just that it bothers me a little.

After looking at every side of the rival team, I roughly grasped their tendencies.

Kim Hyeon-soo, as always, will pretend to do his best in front while doing bad things behind the scenes. Kim Seok-hwa is the exact opposite of Kim Hyun-soo, and although he's skittish in front of the camera, behind the scenes, he must be more zealous than anyone else. Still, his stamina is so low that he can't speak.

Kim Jun-mo, a former idol, left the team after a year because practice was hard. He worked as an actor after that, but he is living as an entertainer these days as the film industry is also giving him a hard time. So Kim Jun-mo is a typical greenhouse type of flower that only wants to photosynthesize. That is to say, there is not much you can do.

Jackie Kim, a comedian, must be hectic with his greed for comedy.

In the end, isn't Kim Yi-sak the only person who can play a useful role in the other team?

Isak Kim is a person who has had various experiences walking around the jungle with the chieftain, Hanwoo Lee, so he will be different no matter what. Yes, he will struggle alone in the end.

After all, it is a story that it is much more difficult for us to lose in this rivalry than to win.

But what I'm aiming for is not team victory. Even if we lose, each L.I.T member is engraved in the minds of the people of Korea.

From Incheon Airport to Hawaii, and from Hawaii to Kiribati again, it took 14 hours when calculating the simple flight time. After getting off at Kiritimati in Kiribati and taking a light plane back to our destination, Abemama, during that time, we thought about how L.I.T could shine.

In the end, there was only one answer.

Leave it alone.

Okay, let's just leave it alone for now.

As soon as we arrived at Abemama Airport, I gathered the members in a corner and quietly asked them.

"Enjoy it."

I wanted to tell you not to be conscious of the camera, but I couldn't.

"Just be slightly conscious of the camera."

Seeing that the strength went into Yoon Si-woo's shoulder right away, I patted him on the shoulder.

"Be very slightly aware of it. That we're famous idols."

Then, Siwoo put a lot of energy into his handsome nostrils and nodded his head.

"Then shall we shout a slogan and start?"



We put our palms on top of each other and briefly shouted "fighting" before leaving the airport.


The schedule appeared on the official website only after the L.I.T members left for Kiribati to film Lord of the Jungle.

It was 12 days after the fan meeting on August 1st.

• what ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Kids Jungle Interval

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