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We enter Varun's apartment and as soon as we are in I take a look around his apartment . It was good and well furnished , the view from the balcony was great too but something was missing .

"Something is missing",I said which makes Varun look back at me .

"Huh what is missing?",he asked confused .

Then it clicked to me what was missing .

Women's touch .

"Did you never brought your girlfriend to your apartment?",I asked .

"Nope I didn't my every relationship lasted what like 2-3 months",he said .

"What about Jiya ? Didn't you guys dated for like half a year?",I asked .

"Yes , we did but she never came here and also we used to fight most of the time",he said .

"And you are the first woman to come to my apartment other than my mother and sister",he said which made my heart skip a beat .

His dialogue was the same as the male character of the book I read few days ago when he brought the female lead to his home .

Shut up Shruti . Right I should stop thinking this .

"Huh? Didn't Aarya and Shivani come here?",I asked.

"Nope they haven't came yet but Dev and Ankit were here few times",he told me .

"So what is missing?",he asked .

"Woman's touch",I said .

"Huh?",he was again confused .

"Your apartment looks like no woman lived here which is true and it doesn't gives that homely feeling also your apartment lacks photoframes",I said .

Though once he get married this apartment will get it's homely feeling .

"Well I only stay here sometimes as you see this building is close to the company than my home so whenever I get too late to go home I sleep here",he said .

"Also you see Aahan's apartment is like 5 buildings away from here",he said and now I understand why he even bought an apartment in first case knowing how he never wanted to live alone until he gets married ofcourse . But as Aahan lives in the neighborhood he wanted  to be close to him in some or the other way other than being in the company. 

We both might have been awkward with each other in the past and we still are but we both knew what was happening in each other's life seeing we share a same friend group .

He had even met my ex-boyfriend's and I too had met his ex-girlfriend's .

"Anyways do you want to freshen up first ..I am sure you might have to change out of your sports clothes",he said and I look down at my clothes ..they were fine just a lil dirt but today I sweated too much and my hair were a mess too .

"Yes , I should freshen up and you should too",I said .

"You use the main bathroom I will use the guest bedroom one",he said .

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