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We were done for real .

This isn't how it was supposed to go.

Currently me and Shruti were sitting infront of Ma , Papa and Niharika.

The three of them were just staring at us and Aahan was sipping his Guava juice while looking back and forth between us .

"So...",Niharika breaks the silence.

I look at Shruti and we have no other option now .

I clear by throat and hold Shruti's hand .

"We are dating",I announce and also ask the god to forgive me and Shruti for lying about it . But we have no other option left now .

Everyone were silent for a good minute . The three of them just kept staring at us while I smile at them nervously.

"Manifestation works I need to try it too",Niharika says making Aahan choke on his Guava juice while I  glare at her .

I give her a 'Don't ever reveal it look' .

Ofcourse my whole family knew about my crush on Shruti during college days . That's why Niharika said that sentence and Aahan choked on his juice when he heard it finding it funny , amusing whatever.

I look at Ma and Papa and just then in seconds I was kicked out from my seat by Ma and now she was sitting behind Shruti .

I was too stunned to speak then .

Niharika was silently laughing trying not to laugh out too loud while recording everything while Aahan was just enjoying everything. The audacity of them . Well I will wait for the day when I will get my revenge on them .

"You are so pretty",Ma compliments Shruti while holding her hand now .

I sit beside Papa who pats my back looking proud. 

Proud ?

"Well boy I am proud of you ,you got your crush finally",he says in my ears making me cough nervously.

Who's gonna tell him that he shouldn't be proud because I didn't.

"How did he proposed you to be his girlfriend?",Ma asks .

"And how long have you been dating?",Ma asks another question .

"Well ..we haven't been dating that long . Also about proposing me day he randomly called me out of nowhere I was suprised as we didn't talked much and he asked me to come at his apartment urgently . My school was just over so I went thinking something happened and he must have called me because he wasn't able to reach our other friends . Later on when I arrived at his apartment he had decorated it so beautifully and confessed how much he liked me all these past years but wasn't able to confess . Also told me that he thought that his feelings for him went away when he went to London but he realised that wasn't the case . It was the same case with me . I also had liked him but never told him and thought I lost feelings for him when he went away and I dated 2 people too after that but then I also realised that my feelings for him never went away",Shruti tells the perfectly fake story we both had created to tell people when soomeone asked how we started dating each other .

But our story was half true half right . I had liked her but I don't have feelings for her and her side of story was totally made by her and I approved of it .

Looking at the faces of Ma and Papa they had approved of this relationship. But I felt bad because this whole relationship is a lie .

"I have seen them dancing in rain together once , eating ice-cream together also saw them together at Marine drive recently",Aahan says .

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