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Akaar and the demon lord were waiting for Neo to arrive at the entrance of the village. It was afternoon time and the warm sunlight was now irritating the skin.

" We leave if he doesn't arrive within 20 minutes. That's a lot of waiting for someone like him." The demon lord said in a stern tone.

" O-Ok." Akaar muttered.

" Why?" The demon lord asked after sometime.

" Why what?" Akaar asked.

" Why did you save him? Are you that close to him that it was worth risking your life for his?" The demon lord asked.

" I didn't risk anything. I was half sure you wouldn't kill him. Afterall, I don't think you are that evil." Akaar said.

" Hmm, even after what I showed you in your mind?" The demon lord asked with a sinister smile.

Akaar began sweating as soon as he remembered that incident and took some deep breathes.

Neo finally arrived with a small bag.

" Alright, got some clothes and....nothing else! Lets go!" He exclaimed with joy.

" Its like an adventure, right!?" Akaar asked Neo in an excited tone.

" Yes, and if we fail in this adventure your mother and you brother will be killed." The demon lord said with a sweet smile.

Akaar and Neo quickly lost their cheerful look.

" So, how do we plan to travel to Tinker Town? We are three and the horse is one." Akaar said.

" Oh don't worry about that. That plan isn't that complicated." The demon lord said with a grin.


The demon lord was slowly riding the horse in the forest while Akaar and Neo were following her on foot.

" Come on, can't we rest a bit....?" Akaar asked in a tired tone.

" I am already going slower for you so don't you dare think about taking a rest." The demon lord said angrily.

" Bitch." Akaar muttered quietly.

The demon lord's horse kicked Akaar right in the face, knocking him on the ground.

" Behave yourselves, I won't toy around for too long." The demon lord muttered.

Neo helped Akaar in getting up and they continued the journey.

As they continued travelling, suddenly a large snake fell from a tree and landed right on the demon lord!!

The snake tried to bite her only to get its teeth broken.

The demon lord threw the snake away and rode ahead.

Akaar and Neo were stunned but kept walking.

" How did you even think of messing with her?" Neo asked.

" Simple, I didn't even know who she was." Akaar replied.

Suddenly, a bush around them began shaking.

" W-What's that!?" Neo shouted in fear, hiding behind Akaar.

" Relax, probably a rabbit or-"

Before Akaar could finish, a wolf jumped out of the bush and charged right towards the demon lord's horse.

As the wolf jumped to attack the horse, the demon lord shattered its skull in one strong swing of her fist.

" Don't stop. They hunt in packs."

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now