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As the men took Liege out of the mansion, several other men came out of the mansion and joined them.

They all were carrying hidden weapons such as mini crossbow and daggers under their sleeves. Many of them had daggers hidden in their pants.

" They all don't look like rookies. Surely better than the ones I fought in market." Liege thought.

The men led Liege to an old black chariot that was parked just a little away from the other chariots.

They pushed him inside it and got in as well.

One of them rode the chariot away.


The wagon reached a quiet dark alley.

There, Evan was waiting for Liege with many thugs and ex knights.

With him was Mareez.....

And Captain Russo or you can say Russo after the loss of his post.

As Liege got out of the wagon, he looked Russo in surprise.

However Liege sighed and kept his calm.

Walking closer, he said,

" Why was I surprised for even a second? Of course a man like you would scurry around like a rat in the den of such wolves."

" Say what you want Sheriff but I get what I want. Let it be by hook or crook." Russo muttered.

" And what is that you want, Grisses? You sold yourself for a few Grisses? Not surprised at all." Liege said with a laugh.

The thugs surrounded Liege.

Evan and Mareez walked closer to Liege.

" We meet again, hoody boy. What do you want this time?" Liege asked.

His eyes went on Mareez.

" Yeah, the armed sellout. Not surprised at all. Afterall, you are a mercenary." Liege said to Mareez.

" Long time no see, sheriff. Glad to meet ya." Mareez said, blowing Liege a kiss.

" I hope you reached here comfortably, Liege. I wanted to give you another chance to join my cause." Evan said.

" Who are you anyways? You never even told me your name." Liege said.

" Ah, sorry for my poor behaivour. We couldn't exchange any greetings last time but now we are in a very.... comfortable situation. I am Evan, a man with a dream that is a nightmare for the kingdom." Evan said, taking off his hood.

" Wooh, drama." Liege muttered, looking away.

" What do you want in return for your recruitment?" Evan asked.

" What are you willing to give?" Liege asked.

Evan laughed.

" Of course, you will toy with me. You ain't a sellout like most, Sheriff." Evan said.

" I feel attacked." Russo muttered.

" You should." Liege replied.

" That's why how about I spare the life of innocents in return for your support?" Evan asked.

" You having some hostages, mate?" Liege asked, not threatened at all.

" I won't need to take hostages when I decide to make my move. Be wise, Sheriff. Don't let your ego kill the innocents." Evan said.

" That's not ego, mate. Unlike you, I have a conscience. I will never aid you in bringing down the kingdom. Also, you all will still lose terribly even if I join you." Liege said with a chuckle.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now