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As Akaar and Captain Elsa stood together in front of the giant masked man, Captain Elsa asked angrily,

" Why are you here all together? Are you plotting something against Nectoria city!?"

In reply, the man simply grabbed a giant axe that was hidden in the vines.

He raised his axe towards Captain Elsa and others.

Immediately, the bear riding terravours rushed at them!!

" Stay back, Akaar!" Captain Elsa shouted, standing in front with her rapier out.

However to Captain Elsa's shock, the bear riders ignored her and rushed straight at the 5 knights and Akaar!!

" Crooked Compadre!!"

Akaar's clones rushed at a bear rider that was charging towards him.

Two clones stabbed the bear in its paws while the third one tried to jump up and knock down the bear riding terravour.

However, the bear crushed the clone's neck in one single bite, killing it.

The 4th clone shot an arrow which hit the terravour in the neck, knocking it off the bear.

However, two more bear riders rushed ahead and quickly crushed Akaar's clones with the paws of the bear.

Akaar wasted no time in retreating in the deeper forest that was sideways.

A bear rider charged at David but Joseph got in the way and rammed the bear's head with his shield!

David quickly rushed ahead, used Joseph's shoulder as a platform to jump higher and beheaded the terravour riding the bear in one clean swing of his sword!!

Joseph dodged the bear's bite and slammed its neck with his shield.

David quickly stabbed the bear in the neck and Joseph pulled it so hard that it got ripped from the bear's body!

As David and Joseph got ready to face more bear riders, Aya and Gliola were having their own fair share of troubles.

The two female knights were defending the injured Mia from the bear riders.

Aya rushed ahead and dodged a paw swipe from a bear by jumping.

She then spun and beheaded the terravour on top of the bear.

In her second spin, she sliced up both the back paws of the bear and landed right behind it!

As the bear fell, Gliola finished it off with an arrow to the eye.

Captain Elsa rushed ahead and threw a rapier jab right at the trunk masked man's neck.

" Root casket."

Suddenly, the man was covered with sharp and hard vines! It was a cage made of vines!

Captain Elsa's rapier struck the sharp vines and managed to pierce it.

However, it couldn't harm the man inside it.

Suddenly, the vine cage went underground!!

The cage came above right behind Captain Elsa!

The cage opened and the trunk masked man raised his axe to attack Captain Elsa.

Captain Elsa jumped back, dodging the blow.

" You almost had me. Unfortunately, that trick won't get me again." Captain Elsa said with smirk.

She rushed ahead and threw a series of rapier jabs at the large man.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें