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Both Akaar and Neo were running in circles around the Glory Grounds.

Neo ran past Akaar smoothly.

It was his 8th lap while Akaar had barely ran 3.

As Akaar went on his knees and began panting heavily, Captain Elsa approached him.

" Your stamina is really terrible, Akaar. You were almost jogging instead of running and you still got tired so easily. Not to mention, you took a 5 minute break after each lap." Captain Elsa said in disappointment.

" I-I......don't think my heart is made for long term workouts. I almost get heartattacks after stressfull workouts." Akaar muttered, still panting like a dog.

Neo reached Akaar and Captain Elsa and stopped.

" So, am I fast?" He asked.

" I must say, you are a naturally agile guy, Neo. Maybe I will teach you some parkour skills." Captain Elsa said.

Then she looked at Akaar sternly.

" You are adopting a healthy diet from today. No fat foods and sugar drinks for you." She said angrily.

" Oh come on....not the drinks." Akaar mumbled sadly.

Soon Akaar and Neo were facing reach other in a hand to hand duel.

" I-I don't want to fight this guy!! Can't you see the strength difference!?" Neo shrieked as he backed away from Akaar who grinned and approached Neo.

" Don't chicken out, Neo. You have started to do fine against me so Akaar isn't a problem for you. I am sure of that." Captain Elsa said.

Akaar tried to grab Neo's leg to knock him down but Neo jumped back just in time.

Neo threw a kick at Akaar's face.

Akaar grabbed Neo's leg with a single hand and kicked his other leg, knocking him down.

Akaar began ragdolling Neo.

" Aaaaaaaahhh, help me Captain Elsa!!" Neo screamed and Akaar dragged him in circles.

" Don't play around. Finish him, Akaar!!" Captain Elsa shouted.

She switched sides real quick!!

Akaar threw Neo far.

As Neo slowly got up, Akaar rushed towards him.

However, as Akaar threw a fist at Neo, he dodged it.....

And landed a clean uppercut at Akaar!!

Akaar wasn't much affected, just slighlty enraged.

Akaar threw another punch, this time aiming for Neo's stomach.

Neo spun around Akaar, dodging the punch.

He then wrapped his hands around Akaar and climbed up on him!!

" Aaaah, let go off me you fucking mosquito!!" Akaar shouted.

" No I won't!!! I know how this ends if I let go!!" Neo shouted.

Akaar took off his mask and bit Neo's arm!!

Neo screamed and loosened his grip.

Akaar grabbed both of Neo's arms and slammed him hard over his shoulders!!

He then raised Neo, wrapped his arms around his back and gave him a suplex!!

Neo fell flat on ground, his mouth wide open and foam comning out of it.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now