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As Liege and Akaar placed their goods back into the wagon along with some sweets given to them by the village elder's wife, the demon lord stood near the elder and his wife.

" Um....thanks for everything." The demon lord said with a bit of hesitation.

" Come back if you get a chance. You are one of the few people who actually tried learning my recipies." The village elder's wife said with a chuckle.

" I will keep practicing on them." The demon lord said with a smile.

" Heard that?" Akaar said to Liege as he put some quilts in the wagon.

" You will eat all of them. I ain't touching her food. Cooking for her should be illegal." Liege muttered.

The village elder's wife hugged the demon lord.

" Take care of yourself, my child." She said with a smile.

The demon lord felt a sudden warmth.

Not in her body but....

In her heart.

Surprisingly, she too hugged the elder's wife.

Akaar watched this from far.

Then his eyes went on a boy who was walking with a bundle of logs in his big basket.

It was the boy he saved from the demon lord.

They both noticed each other.

The boy walked towards Akaar.

" Uh....thanks for saving me....from her." He said nervously.

" Don't stress about it. She was just messing with you." Akaar said with a smile.

" I....kinda doubt that. She killed...a bunch of people in front of my eyes." The boy said nervously.

" Those were bad guys, trust me." Akaar said, looking away.

" No they weren't. They were just doing their job." Akaar thought.

Then he asked the boy,

" Did you tell anyone about what you saw?"

The boy shook his head for a no.

" Good....good. We are leaving now so we won't trouble anyone here." Akaar said in a calm tone.

The demon lord sat in the wagon and Akaar sat beside her.

" Alright all set!! Thanks for your kindness fellas!!" Liege exclaimed before moving the wagon forward.

The village elder and his wife along with some villagers waived them goodbye as Liege rode away the wagon at great pace.




Neo and Captain Elsa were standing at opposite ends of a giant pit.

The pit wasn't much deep so falling in it wouldn't kill a person.

Between the two ends were some obstacles tied on rods that were attached with poles buried near the pits.

There were some vines to grab, some spiked logs to avoid and a few more obstacles.

Captain Elsa was also holding a log that was tied to a pole.

" You think he is ready for such a parkour track? You have only trained him for 2 days." A Nectoria knight asked Captain Elsa.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now