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Albert woke up from his sleep but as he tried to move, he failed.

He opened his eyes...

Only to see Erica cuddling up against him.

Her face was pretty close to his and she was still asleep.

She had a peaceful smile on her face.

Albert's face turned red.

" Guess this is my life now." He thought as he smiled and wrapped his arms around Erica to go back to sleep.



The wagon was finally out of the forest and was moving fast in the grassy plains.

Akaar looked out of the wagon and saw a herd to Zebras running parallel to the wagon far away.

" Its the first time I have seen a Zebra with my own eyes!" He exclaimed in excitement.

In front his eyes, the eyeball monster flew towards the herd, grew in size and gobbled up a zebra!!

As Akaar watched that in horror and sadness, demon lord calmy rubbed his head.

" Mount Nadarb lies ahead and this wagon surely won't be able to move fast there." Liege said as he drove the wagon.

" Lets worry about that later. Let Akaar enjoy his wind." The demon lord said with a smirk while Akaar opened his mouth wide to eat up the wind.



Marciline was in the training ground near the king's castle.

In front of her was a hay dummy.

Magnus was watching her from a distance with his arms folded.

" Don't stress yourself too much. We aren't in a hurry." He muttered.

Marciline nodded.

She took a deep breath and raised her staff towards the hay dummy.

" Soul Skill- Soul Bliss."

Marciline's eyes gave a yellow glow.

Then she fell!!

Magnus quickly rushed ahead and caught her before she could hit the ground.

" Marciline!? Open yours eyes!! Talk to me!!" Magnus exclaimed anxiously.

Suddenly, the hay dummy ahead of him moved!!

Magnus looked at the dummy in surprise as it raised its arms and waived them in the air.

" You did it. You possessed the dummy." Magnus said.

The dummy happily jumped towards Magnus and pounced on him, knocking him down.

" Alright congrats! You did it. Now come back to your orignal body." Magnus muttered to the dummy on top of him.

The dummy suddenly fell lifelessly on the grass and Marciline woke up shortly after.

" Oh my...what a headache." She mumbled as she got up rubbing her head.

" Looks like you can use your soul skill just fine. We should have no problem in our plan." Magnus said happily.

" Well I only possessed a weak object. I am not sure how will I be able to handle a stronger body." Marciline mumbled nervously, looking away.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now