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After 15 minutes, the wagon finally stopped at the glory grounds.

It was a huge ground that was surrounded by many buildings such as barracks, a restaurant, a big library and many more.

Several knights were sparing with each other while many were honing their archery skills.

" I don't know why but watching them makes me wanna duel too." Akaar said as the group got outside the wagon.

" Don't, bro. You will get your ass kicked again." Neo said.

" Tough luck, Akaar. Glory Ground is only for knights. The only reason we can step inside is due to my connection with the captain." Liege said.

The group entered the Glory Ground and began walking towards the library.

" Captain Elsa always spends her mornings in the library. She is an avid reader." Liege said as he walked.

" I have similar interests." The demon lord said.

" Is that so? I will ask Captain Elsa if she can lend you a book or two. She has her own small private collection at her home." Liege said.

Suddenly, an arrow flew right at Akaar!

However, the demon lord quickly caught it mid air just when it was an inch away from Akaar's eye!

Akaar stepped back and gasped.

" T-Thanks." He muttered.

Two knights came running.

" Dammit, I missed." One of them muttered before spitting at the ground.

" What do you mean? You shot this at him on purpose?" Liege asked.

" Are you deaf, you mummy!? That's what I said!! This bitch stopped my bullseye!" The knight said angrily.

" But how did she do that, bro?" The other knight mumbled in shock.

" Seems like you weren't afraid of the consequences for that." Liege said angrily.

" Consequences!? You are strangers on Glory Ground! Anything happening to you will be deemed as an accident! It is a training ground not a park!" The other knight yelled.

" Should I?" The demon lord asked, looking at Liege.

" Please ignore them. They are not worth risking your reputation in this city." Liege said.

" Oh you think you are higher than us!?" The knight said angrily as he came forward to shove Liege.

Liege quickly grabbed the knight's hand,  brought it behind his back and kicked him in the knee, bringing him down.

The other knight rushed to help only to get a back kick in the face that knocked him out straight.

" What about the not worth fighting stuff?" Akaar asked.

" It wasn't fighting, it was self defense." Liege said with a wink.

" Your skills never get dull, do they?" Came a voice.

Liege and others looked at a beautiful blue haired girl in black chestplate slowly riding towards them on her horse.

" The library's literally 10 steps ahead and she still came on a horse. What a show off." Akaar whispered to Neo.

The blue haired girl approached Liege and jumped off her house.

She giggled as Liege caught her.

" Damn!!! He's smooth!!" Neo and Akaar screamed together.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now