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" The heck do you want from us!?" Mareez shouted at the demon lord.

" are one who attacked Akaar at the inn, right? Wanted to meet you really badly." The demon lord muttered.

" Oh that man with the assassin class? Who could have thought he had a demon chick on his side?" Mareez said with a smirk.

" You clown!! Kill her!!" Mareez exclaimed.

The clown tried to aim at the demon lord with his hands.

" Carnival Boom."

The demon lord moved away before the clown could trap her in the balloon.

The demon lord jumped to a nearby house's terrace before jumping straight down, disappearing from the site.

Mareez quickly got out of the wagon and began moving the crashed wagons out of the way.

" Make sure she doesn't reach us!!" Mareez ordered the clown as she pushed away a broken wagon.

Suddenly, the demon lord rushed right into front of the clown!!

" C-Carnival Boom!!"

The clown quickly aimed at the demon lord with his hands.

The demon lord rushed towards the clown!

The clown managed to trap the demon lord inside the balloon!!!

" I-I did it!! The demon's dead no-"


The demon lord just ran through the balloon, exploding it and remaining completely unharmed!

Before the clown could even realize it, the demon lord had rushed past him and taken off his left arm with one slash of her nails!

The clown screamed loudly in pain as his cut off arm bled heavily.

The demon lord rushed right towards Mareez, ignoring the clown.

Mareez took out her longsword and took a stance.

Mareez threw a downward slash as the demon lord reached closer.

The demon lord dodged the attack easily and went to her left.

In one slash of her nails, the demon lord ripped out Mareez's left eye!

The demon lord slashed Mareez's chest and gut before throwing a jump kick, knocking Mareez far away.

Mareez remained on the ground, bleeding heavily.

The demon lord walked towards Mareez and stepped on her chest.

" You didn't even last 10 seconds. Guess devouring the weak makes you weak aswell." The demon lord muttered.

Mareez coughed up blood and gasped for air.

" Heard you met Akaar in Nectoria forest aswell. He told me that Captain Elsa beat up your group pretty badly. Even killed one of you." The demon lord said with a smirk.

" W-What......? L-Lily...." Mareez muttered in pain and sadness.

" Yeah, Lily was her name. Akaar told me she was really young but that didn't stop Captain Elsa from brutally killing her." The demon lord muttered.

" N-No....s-she can't be dead...." Mareez muttered.

" Oh, you hoped she was alive all the time? That makes delivering this message even more soothing." The demon lord said with a grin.

She picked up Mareez by her throat.

" Want me to tell you the exact manner in which she died??" The demon lord muttered, her face really close to Mareez.

THE DEMON LORD ISN'T DEAD- CONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now