25. - First Issue of The Promise.

923 41 19

    I watched as the group of people around me snickered among themselves, each one looking very smug.
Although they were very smug... Looking at their stats..

The one with the highest stat amount is Halad.

Like I thought.
They're all complete weakling pushovers. So really, it didn't matter that I was outnumbered.

[Halad] "Should have stayed in town or at your mommy little Black Sorcerer. Without your magic and with your measley level, you're nothing but dead meat."

Halad laughed like a maniac.
I sighed. Looks like I now know the reason for his skills that were to do with murder or whatever...
This coward instead of fighting monsters for exp, decided to settle down for murder.

Oh how smart he is.

"Before we continue, can I ask 1 question?"

I simply stated.

[Male Thug 1] "Who gave you the permission to speak, you imbecile?!"

The thug rushed at me, going in for a slash attack. However, before he could even land, I entangled him in threads using [Thread Manipulation].

Everyone looked at me surprised.

[Halad] "What the-?! He has skills?!"

"Do I now?"

My voice sounded rather mocking and cold.
For some reason, I had this unreal urge to simply slaughter all these foolish humans in cold blood... But why?

If I did that, shit would go down... And yet, I couldn't resist.
And so, with a single pull from one of my fingers, the entangled thug was desimated in less than a second, sending a wave of shock and fear through rest of the people around.

[Female Thug 2] "Y..You bitch!"

A female fighter rushed towards me, screaming.
I on the other hand, simply used
[Shadow Manipulation] to dodge her before grabbing her by her head and mashing her head into her own shadow.

'Have fun being eaten alive.'

I thought before standing back up.
This feels wrong. Why am I doing this?

....Is it.. because I'm not a human anymore? Is it because I'm technically a monster now?

[Halad] "G..Get him!"

Halad shouted as all the rest of the people charged at me at once.
I, completely unphased, simply used my skill [Thread Manipulation] to entangle every last one of the humans charging me, excluding Halad.

I then proceeded to instantly kill all of them, desimating their bodies to the point of not leaving a single trace behind.

Halad fell to the ground before backing up, terrified.

[Halad] "St...stay back!"

He begged as I began to approach him.
I was strangely enjoying this... This feeling.

The feeling of killing them all.

As I approached Halad, his begging for mercy began to sound more like horrific cries for help.
I rose my arm up, before pointing it at him - about to kill him.

'Faofa, don't!'

I gasped before holding my head.
What was that just now?.. it felt like I was just woken up from a trans or a deep sleep..

I looked around, seeing the blood shed around me as well as the terrified Halad.

'Wh..what happened here..'

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