61. - Meanwhile, in Ordial.

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        While Faofa was at Jios home in the Deadmans Graveyard, Lady Arian and her escorts finished their road and reached the Town of Ordial, were they were greeted by the general public with smiles and happiness, as they made their way over to the Adventuring Guild in Ordial.

After reaching it, the guards all lined up infront of the building to stand guard, as Arian and her maids, Lei and Ai entered the building.

Immediately after entering the receptionists looked over to them, before one of them told another to go inform the Guildmaster of Arians arrival.
In the meanwhile, the Lizardman Receptionist that Faofa was used to approached Arian and her maids.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Welcome to the Ordial Adventuring Guild Lady Arian. We've been waiting for your arrival."

[Arian] "A Lizardman as a Receptionist? You don't see that everyday.."

Arian joked lightly, smiling.
The Lizardman let out a small laugh, before clearing his throat.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Allow me to bring you to the Guildmaster."

He stated, before taking the lead and leading Arian and her maids up the stairs to the second floor of the guild.

   In the Guildmasters Office..

     Gidou was still in the middle of discussing some things with the A-Rank adventurer party that had returned to him a couple of days ago.
Their reports and discussions were dragging on for multiple days at this point, as they tried to figure out what to do next.

Then, the Female Dwarf Receptionist entered the office.

[Kaeda] "Guildmaster - Lady Arian has arrived."

Gidou looked towards her, before sighing.

[Gidou] "That was faster than anticipated... Very well, I'll prepare to meet with her."

He replied. Kaeda nodded before leaving.
Gidou turned to face the Adventurers

[Gidou] "I suggest you all take a couple more days off and rest. After that, you'll all head back to the Abyssal Woods to investigate any nearby dungeons."

[Un (Human Warrior in the Party)] "Understood Guildmaster.. We'll be going then."

He replied, before getting up and leaving with his entire party.
After the party of adventurers exited into the hall, they passed by the Lizardman Receptionist and Arian with her maids, who were on their way to the Guildmasters office.

Arian threw a slight glare of jealousy at the Adventurer party, feeling a bit envious of them. She herself, when younger, dreamed of being an Adventurer, however due to being born into nobility... She was unable to become one, no matter what.

After that, the Lizardman Receptionist led them inside the office.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Guildmaster, they have arrived."

He stated, as Arian and both of her maids entered the room.
Gidou nodded, before gesturing to the Lizardman to leave. The lizardman nodded, quickly bowing towards Arian before leaving the office, closing the door after himself.

[Gidou] "Lady Arian, I've long awaited your arrival. Please, take a seat."

He pointed towards the couch.

[Arian] "Thank you Guildmaster of The Ordial Adventuring Guild."

She thanked him, bowing slightly before walking over and sitting in the couch, while Lei and Ai simply walked over and stood behind her.

The Guildmaster walked over to the other couch, just infront of the one where Arian had sat down, before sitting down and looking towards the young lady.

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