47. - Faofa & The Fire Prince.

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       I locked eye contact with the Fire Prince for a couple of seconds - simply standing still in my place as we stared each other down.
Eventually, after a small bit, the Fire Prince screeched at me, before creating many, many red magic circles behind him, and then proceeding to chant a spell.

[Fire Prince] "Fires and Embers, Dance upon my palm, strike down my opponent and cause them to be buried under a Rain of Flames.. Infernos Barrage."

He finished the chant, before many, many arrows made of fire shot from the circles behind him.
I quickly leaped back into the air, before quickly creating a platform underneath myself.

'It can speak verbal language - this means I might be able to converse with it.'

I thought, before looking at the Fire Prince, who simply gazed up at me on top of the platform, before rotating his arrow fire towards me once again.

I simply leaped off the platform and began to gradually approach the dungeon boss, dodging the incoming barrage of arrows as much as I could.

'However, seems like I'll have to defeat him first.'

I thought again, before quickly sinking into a shadow on the floor.
Then I leaped out of the shadow of the Fire Prince, right behind him, before attempting to fire off a piercing spell with [Abyss Magic].

However, before I could even begin the chant, the monster suddenly launched upwards into the air, floating above me as it gazed down at me at the bottom.

I gazed up at the boss, who created many small grey magic circles around himself.
From said magic circles, blades tainted in a black colour and seemingly made from bones arose, before being fired off towards me.

I began to perform quick maneuvers to dodge the incoming blades - just barely managing to avoid getting a hair cut with the last blade, which landed just a centimeter away from my face.

Analysis suggests that these are A Ranked weapons - 'Dead Men Blades'.

A-Ranked weapons?
Maybe I'll grab one as a souvenir after this fight.

After the barrage of blades finished, the dungeon boss created one magic circle at his right palm - the colour of which was dark purple.
He then landed back onto the ground a bit further away from me, before chanting a spell.

[Fire Prince] "Warriors forgone by the past, arise and serve in my command - Undead Summoning, First Rank."

He finished the chant, as a large area of the ground around him began to be laid with Magic circles all around him.
Then, skeletons wearing what looked to be ancient equipment and wielding ancient weapons arose from the Magic Circles, before their eyes ignited with red sparkles.

The Fire Prince pointed towards me, causing the newly summoned undead army to begin their march towards me.

Well shit and nuts — I wasn't expecting to face an army in this fight.
I shed a sweat, as the army continued their slow march towards me - the Adventurers watching in slight horror from behind their cover.

'Being limited to my Abyss magic and Shadow Manipulation skills is really inconvenient... I need to be able to use the rest of my skills..'

I thought, before walking a bit towards the marching army.
What I needed to do right now, was to cover the view of the adventuring party nearby.. But how?

Using [Beast's Will] to cause them to fall temporarily unconscious is recommended.

Sure, I remember using it to do that around a month or so ago to knock out those adventurers I encountered in the forest... But...

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