75. - The Darkness clashes with the Blizzard

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        As soon as I reached the monster, it immediately created a giant spear of ice infront of it, in an attempt to pierce me. However, thanks to 'Overworld Detection', I managed to react just in time to dodge the incoming spike, by creating a platform infront of the Wendigo King and leaping away from it, using the platform as a base.

I landed onto the ground, sliding back a bit for a couple more seconds before looking at the Monster with a slightly nervous yet impressed stare and smile.

'This guy is smart-'

I thought, before clenching my scythe a bit tighter and beginning my sprint towards the Wendigo King once more.

[Wezrall] "Thee efforts are pointless."

It stated, before lifting it's arms up into the air and creating two small whirlwinds of ice in them, firing off two beams of what looked like extremely concentrated Magical Energy.

More specifically, Ice based Magical Energy.
I quickly used 'Shadow Manipulation' to spring myself up into the air, creating a giant appendage from the shadows underneath me, before then proceeding to 'ride' it as I commanded the appendage to rush towards the monster.

'It most definitely can live any attack I throw at it, so my best bet is to hit it with my Scythe and poison it.'

I thought before leaping off the appendage, as 6 giant icicles crashed into it from all six sides.
My god, was that a close call.
I swear, if I didn't have 'Overworld Detection' - I would not have lived as long as I have.

The Wendigo King seemed a bit impressed at me for dodging his attack, however didn't take a moment to stall or hesitate, as he immediately created 4 more giant icicles and sent them flying at me. I managed to avade the first three giant icicles, however the fourth one managed to just barely scrath my body, leaving a mark on it.

I landed onto the ground, before looking at the scratch. Even with this fake body being able to 'heal' instantly, the mark wasn't disappearing. It must have infused its icicles with some sort of special magic capable of destroying artificially created bodies.

This is a side effect of his title:
<Enemy of Spirits>. It causes him to be able to destroy the spiritual energy present within one.

Aaand considering that you have Ifrit within you..

'I get it- Ifrits presence within me is causing my own fake body to technically count as a 'Spiritual One', so his attacks can permanently damage it - correct?'


God damnit - Ifrit was already not going to be useful in this fight, as this monster had spiritual immunity - however I did not account for a negative setback such as this.
This basically means that I cannot afford to tank any hits.

That being said, maybe I should move more, as the Wendigo King created what had to be over 12 hundred blades made of ice in the air, before sending them all down towards melike a shower.

I quickly began evading, overclocking my 'Overworld Detection' skill to precisely and perfectly sense each and every blade.
This was making it hard to get an opportunity to throw an attack of my own, so I was basically forced to somehow get out of the way of these blades.
I stepped onto the ground for a second, however could not leap off from it, as a heavy pressure was immediately applied to me. It felt like I had gained immense weight in less that 0.1 seconds.

Looking over, I saw that the reason for this was because the monster had activated another one of its skills - [Gravity Manipulation].

'Must be making the gravitational force on me stronger—'

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