78. - Well, We're raiding!

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          Me and Wezrall continued moving deeper into the hidden lair, stopping every moment here and there to listen out for out surroundings.
Now, you may be saying that listening out for surroundings is useless, especially when I have 'Overworld Detection' to my disposal, however I felt as though while it was overall better - it only allowed me to sense potential threats.

Wezrall was in danger of being ambushed, if I don't manage to warn him fast enough.
As we continued moving along, we eventually reached a crosspoint. The path we were on split off into 4 other tunnels, which all led to different places. Now the decision was - which tunnel do we take?

[Wezrall] "Lord Faofa, we may be forced to split up to search the area with maximum efficiency."

Wezrall spoke to me through some sort of telepathy. It was a side effect from the Soul Pact, allowing us to communicate through our minds. Very useful to keep a conversation going without revealing our location by using our voices.

Anyways- getting back to his point, it was a pretty good suggestion, however at the same time, it was very risky and almost impossible to pull off without getting found.
Wezrall had no way to erase his own presence using a skill, so on his own, he'd be found out quite fast.

I began to overthink how to pull of a split up successfully - After all, it was definitely the most efficient way to try and find the villagers.

May I suggest something—

"Alright Wezrall, we'll split up. Try to conceal your aura as much as possible and remain out of sight. If anyone even catches a glimpse of you, silence them sneakily."

[Wezrall] "As you say, my Lord."

Wezrall then leaped up into the air, before grabbing onto the ceiling, which was quite high up. This was far enough for him to no longer fall under the effect of my 'Undetectable' skill, however miraculously, I could not sense even the slightest hint of his aura.
Guess he is good at concealing it...

Wezrall then climbed off into the furthest left tunnel, which made me decide to go down and search the furthest right tunnel, since if neither of us found anything in these ones, that would only leave the two middle tunnels to search.

And so, we parted our ways, splitting up for this search.


         I continued to move along the tunnel, sticking to the wall like an insect that refused to let go of a rotting piece of food. While moving, I had increased the intensity of my 'Overworld Detection' to its absolute maximum - covering a very, very large area around me.
Luckily, so far there had been nothing picked up. Although, that could also be a red flag - since that meant we had absolutely no idea on where any of the members of the Hand Sons were.

Eventually I reached the end of the tunnel, ending up in a very large room, with a bunch of.... Test tubes? Lining the entire rooms circular wall.
It was a bit strange to see... Test tubes, I mean. They looked.... Modern - like the type you'd see back in my old life or potentially in some futuristic movies.

In the middle of the room, there was a giant container, with multiple pipes going from it and linking into the ground, with purple liquid flowing through the whole thing.
Once again, it looked strangely.... Modern. Nothing like the medieval or fantasy style I had seen so far.

If anything, the closest to this aesthetic so far was Jio's home back in the Deadmans Graveyard, which had some 'modern' elements to it.
Walking up to the container, I looked around, my eyes peeled for anyone else that may be present in the room.

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