37. - A Lair Hidden in Plain Sight.

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I tailed the group of people for a little while - simply keeping myself off to the side inside of the trees. It was honestly becoming more and more sketchy by the minute as I trailed them - after al, it has been atleast half an hour or so since I began following them - and this whole time they have been just heading deeper and deeper into the forest.

Just where in the hell were they taking that child to? Well, whatever place it was - I am certain it most likely was NOT somewhere nice..

I mean, people dressed in deep red robes don't seem like the type of people to take a random hybrid child or something to somewhere nice.

Was 'hybrid' the correct way to describe the child-?
I mean, I didn't know what it was exactly... It looked like a human and snake combo with it's upper human and lower snake body.

I continued to follow them for a small bit longer, until they suddenly stopped.

I didn't get discovered - did I?-

It is impossible to be detected unless a skill of a Higher Tier is being used.

I see..
So basically, unless they have Legendary Skill that allows them to detect stuff, they can never find me.

Makes sense.

A moment later, the group walked up to what seemed like a normal tree. One the humans simply tapped onto the wood a few times before activating some sort of magic spell in his palm.

In the moments that followed, they suddenly disappeared into thin air.



I quickly slithered out of the path I was on and to the location I watched them stop at.
How the hell did they just disappear like that?! Was that somekind of teleportation spell?!

No teleportation spell use has been detected.

...So if they didn't teleport - what the hell happened.
I looked towards the tree that one of them had tapped and then activated the magic spell at.
Could it be.. that the tree is some sort of door?

I approached the strange tree, before examining it a bit closely. It didn't seem out of the ordinary... That is, for the naked eye.

However, even if I did not see anything - that didn't mean that [Sages' Wisdom] couldn't see anything.

'You are up Sages' Wisdom.'

Performing analysis..

Analysis confirmed and completed.
Creating report..

After receiving the report, I understood the situation a bit more clearly. Apparently, this tree wasn't an ordinary tree at all - it was indeed, a door. A magical door, which was linked with a location that would be otherwise inaccessible.

Apparently, this kind of magic is called 'Space Warping'. The tree acts as the method of getting in - by inputting a certain 'code' into the tree, one may access and enter the location that it is linked to.

'Kinda sounds like something from a Sci-fi story..'

I thought before sighing.
So all I had to do to continue tailing the group, was to repeat what that dude did earlier? Seems easy enough-

The Magic Spell required for the activation of the 'key' is very specific.

No mock-ups will work.

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