85. - Village of Embers.

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         Our journey continued its long path relatively smoothly after the whole deal in the Abyssal Woods. Over the past 5 Days that we've been just on the road, we've visited a village after a village to ask for  shortcuts or for any shelter for the night. In total, we managed to visit around 3 Villages, being forced to camp 2 nights under the sky.

Something to note that was rather strange while we stayed at the 3 villages, is that the villagers would warn us about a village called 'The Village of Embers' and would tell us to avoid it at all costs.

This was in itself, not very strange - that is, if it had only been talked to us about in 1 village. But all three warned us about it - telling us to not approach it. I tried asking the Ancient One about it, however he stated that he doesn't remember a place such as 'Village of Embers' anywhere in the world.
I then also tried to ask Wezrall, but he was just as confused about it as me.

I didn't exactly know what to think of it at the time, mainly because there was so little information about this village.

I mean, vague warnings about this apparently dangerous village, didn't exactly count as information in my book...
Well— some of the vague warnings didn't count.

There were some bits to them, that did work well as information about this village.
Mainly, that it was located within a forest known as the 'Scorched Woods of Dihia'. Going off the warnings, this forest was apparently one that no one could simply waltz into as there wasn't a forest that stood in one place.

Apparently, it was inside a thick fog or 'mist' which moved around a giant mountain, that also - nobody was able to reach, as the only entrance was speculated to be inside this scorched forest.

If you ask me, all of it just sounded like some old folktales or rumours - I mean, a forest that moves? Seriously?
I know this is a fantasy world, but come on - even with the fantasy element, that makes no sense!

But that's all in the past now.
I eventually decided to simply forget about the village and the forest, signing it off as just some rumor or something that the locals used to scare passing travelers.

         10 Days after departing
             For the Nation of Yiinao..

        Me and Wezrall had stopped off the road, inside a small woods that had quite a clear opening. It was getting late in the evening, so we had decided to stop and camp out for the night, so we'd have as much energy as possible to continue our journey tomorrow.
Now of course, it's not like either of us could actually get exhausted... Our stamina kinda didn't allow for that to even come close to happening - however there simply was something novel about sleeping during the night and then waking up in the morning.

I don't really know how to explain it, but it simply felt right to sleep during the night and only move during the day.

Currently, we were sat next to a campfire, both of us remaining in our human forms.
Wezrall was busy practicing to create a weapon using his 'Ice' and 'Frost' magic skills. Sure, he could pass off as a sorcerer or something, but it would be a bit suspicious if a party of two, only had individuals that could cast magic.

So I entrusted Wezrall in learning to create a weapon using his magic skills, the same way I do with my 'Venom Control' skill. Only difference was that Wezrall was seemingly better at wielding heavy weapons such as battle axes and greatswords, as I found out when I was giving him venom weapons to practice with.

This actually made a lot of sense to me - I don't know why, but Wezrall seemed like the type of person... or monster to be the big bad brute.

While he was practicing to create weapons, I was busy going through my Status window. Me and Wezrall had luckily ran into a couple of monsters so far on our journey - mainly weak ones, but also some very strong ones here and there.

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