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         A couple of hours later...

    We were currently back on the road. I was still in my human form, sitting down next to Wezrall, who was also in his human form while also controlling the carriage. In the back of the carriage, Frindel and Odale sat - Odale still working away on the scrolls, while Frindel was staring at our... Unique new cargo.

After a moment, she turned to look at me.

[Frindel] "Master— Why did you decide to bring them along..?"

She asked me. What was she exactly referring to? - you may ask. Well...
In our carriages back, I had decided to take the knocked out cold group of people that I had defeated in order to 1. Make sure they don't die to a passing by monster while passed out and 2...
Because of the druid girl.

I threw a small gaze back at her, as she laid soundly next to the carriages wall. She was a spitting image of her... My sister.
She looked exactly the same - blonde hair, an innocent face and something I could never forget — a small scar she inflicted on herself when she was 5 after I had gotten into an accident which broke my arm.

She inflicted it upon herself using a small razor, as an attempt to try and cheer me up when I was in the hospital.
Now, she did get a scolding from mother and father, however she didn't seem to regret that scar. If anything, that scar to her for the longest time, seemed very important.

But I'm getting off topic — Whether or not the druid actually was my sister or not was debatable still.
Even though she looked exactly like her, it could also be just an extremely big coincidence.

....Who am I kidding - in what world was this a coincidence? I mean- Sure, the overall appearance could be a coincidence, but that small scar? No way.

It looked like it was caused by a razor and it was in the exact same place as the one I remember her inflicting on her face. For this to even be remotely close to a coincidence, a completely incomprehedable amount of luck would need to be expelled.

I slowly got lost in thought, eventually looking away from the druid girl and staring down at my right hand. Frindel was confused by my silence at first, however seemingly read my mood, since she didn't say anything else and if anything, simply sat in place silently as well.
That was respectable about her - even though she wasn't with us for very long and the amount of flaws she had, Frindel seemed to understand boundaries and seemed to be insanely good at reading someones mood.

It was almost kind of... Scary just how good she was at reading the mood.

As I stared at my hand, I began to recall some happy memories I still had with my sister from my past life. I remember how when she was little, she'd always tell me how I was the best older brother in the world and how she loved me so much.
It was such a beautiful thing honestly.... Just how joyful and energetic she was.

However, at the same time, she was incredibly talented. She knew how to play instruments incredibly well, she knew how to draw very good and she even was amazing at every subject at school.
She sort of reminded me of those really cool and famous 'Perfectionist' kids in all those different romance mangas and anime I watched.

Not all my memories about her were happy.

There was one memory in particular, which has been engraved into my head.
More specifically - the words within that memory, that have been engraved into my head.

The words that still sting my heart, even as a snake in another world:
'I hate you! I wish you weren't my brother!'

Remembering those words that she had told me one day after a small argument we had, I felt my heart sting again, only a bit more painfully this time. Something about them and how they came from her... Simply hurt me.
Now don't get me wrong - I didn't just stop supporting her or something, if anything, after that moment I began supporting her even more.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant