73. - A Dungeon in the Mountains.

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      I tailed the source of the screech for a long while, remaining in the shadows the whole time as I did. One thing I had to give this thing, was that it was freaking fast - Like, holy moly.
Even with my unreal stamina and technically speaking, high acceleration speed of running, I wasn't able to catch up.

However, I was able to trail it down by using my 'Overworld Detection' skill which allowed me to sense the things magical energy heading up higher in the mountains.
Gotta say, it was also surprisingly good and concealing its Magical Energy, as it felt faint and weak. Whatever the screech belonged to, was most definitely a monster or person, with high intelligence.

Perhaps high enough, for me to be able to converse with it.

I continued to trail down the creature, or at least, what I assumed to be a creature at this time, eventually ending up at the possibly highest point where there was a path leading to it.
And before me, stood just a lone - rather large, cave entrance.

Leaping out of the shadows, I gazed up at the entrance before looking inside it. A pitch black darkness engulfed the interior of the cave and seeing as the things Magical Energy vanished the moment it hit this place, it's safe to assume that it most likely entered the cave.

'Must be its lair..'

Whatever we're dealing with here, is most definitely a creature of sorts. Now, all that's left is to figure out what kind of creature.

Hey, you said something useful for once.
I sighed, before flicking on a small flame onto my finger on my left hand, before entering the cave entrance, my guard fully up and prepared for any potential suprises that this cave may offer.


            Inside was even darker than I had first imagined. It was so dark in fact, that I was forced to turn the small flame on my finger, into a decently sized floating orb, full of fire that expanded light from it.
But to be honest, this was most likely better anyway, since now I didn't have to sacrifice light if I was to get into a fight.

As I continued to head deeper into the cave, a slight chill was sent down my spine. I couldn't tell whether it was the anxiety of what could potentially be down here or simply the temperature dropping.

Temperature drops have been confirmed Master. If anything, the deeper inside we head, the faster and lower it drops to.

'I thought so... Are my skills helping me to resist the cold?'

A bit, however they may not last if we head even deeper.

So I'm risking hypothermia.

But fear not - I am here to help.

'The fuck are you—'

Using the Skill [Fractured]..

Epic Skill [Cold Immunity] acquired.

What the fuck did you do Ancient One?

I took the liberty of combining your [Cold Resistance] skill together with [Cold Temperature Resistance] to create a skill that can benefit you more.

[Cold Immunity] will... Well, grant you complete immunity to the cold temperature as well as any ice based attack.

Okay then.... I suppose that is useful.
Guess I can't complain when I get so many benefits from it - you win this time Ancient One.

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