43. - A Hidden Flame.

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      The Human warrior stared at the newly met man, who introduced himself as Avid.
For a second, he was lost for words - unable to even comprehend what had just happened infront of them.

[Avid] "Are you going to stay on the ground all day or will you take my hand?"

Avid asked in slight annoyance and sarcasm.

[Human Warrior] "Oh right- Thank you.."

The Human warrior stated before taking Avids hand and getting up with his help.
Avid then looked at the rest of the party, which seemed quite beaten up - however thankfully not injured, thanks to his potions that he gave them.

[Avid] "You should be more careful with the opponents you fight. Especially with these oversized ants. They're quite resistant to attacks y'know?"

Avid stated before looking at the sliced in half ant.
The beast had its body cleanly slices into two - perfectly down the middle, almost like a giant took a knife and chopped it in half.

The party of adventurers looked at Avid in surprise and some even in slight admiration.

[Human Warrior] "Excuse me if I'm rude... But what exactly are you doing here Mr.Avid?"

The Human warrior of the party asked, a bit confused. Avid had claimed to be a mercenary who was here to help - however, as far as the guilds policies went, Mercenaries weren't allowed to actually help much with these dungeon raids.

Avid looked towards the party again, before examining their equipment. It was pretty standard for their level and ranks, and judging from it alone, he could figure out that the party of 6 Adventurers infront of him right now was made up of 2 Warriors, 2 Mages, 1 Archer and 1 Priest or more precisely, a Cleric - a lower class of priests.

[Avid] "You all are a bit underequipped for this kind of dungeon - Especially considering the type of enemies in here."

[Human Warrior] "Yeah well... We weren't expecting to run into a monster like that.."

He pointed at the dead ant.

[Human Mage] "Exactly! Even if our equipment is a bit... On the weaker side because of our ranks, who said that we would run into beasts like that?!"

The human mage complained, her voice quite serious.
Avid sighed, before facepalming. Are these guys just not going to admit that they aren't nearly prepared enough for a dungeon like this? Are they seriously just going to blame everything on the Guild or the dungeon?

Well, whatever the case, Avid now felt a bit stupid about the fact that he helped them out. Mainly because he had put on such a show using his
[Arts of Imminent Death] skill just to help them.

[Avid] "Alright, next question - Could you all introduce yourselves? I need to know the names of those that'll be coming with me."

[Human Warrior] "Pardon - coming with you—?"

[Avid] "Yeah. Don't you want to go deeper into the dungeon? If you want to rank up, going deeper should only be logical."

The party of adventurers looked quite hesitant, almost afraid of the idea of going deeper into the dungeon.
Which basically told Avid all he needed to know - these guys probably were traumatised from the little scurry they had with this oversized ant just now.

[Human Mage] "Well.. it's not that we don't want to rank up... We've just not had the best of luck as a party you see..."

'Not best of luck?'
Avid rose an eyebrow under his mask.

[Human Warrior] "What she said... When we were beginning, we got absolutely beaten by a random Snake we found in the Abyssal Woods around a month or so ago.. and from there on out - our 'adventures' have been quite poor.."

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