80. - Duel Against the Void Lord.

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As Flin introduced himself fully, I felt a strange shiver run over my body from the inside. It was almost like my whole organism trembled inside me. What was this sudden feeling of fear?..
It didn't feel like my fear... Could it be..?

Before I could do anything, Flin suddenly fired off a deep dark beam towards me - Its colour being similar to my 'Abyss Magic' skills moves.
I quickly dodged the incoming beam, before leaping up high into the air, propelling myself towards Flin a platform I made with 'Abyss Magic' as solid ground.

As I crashed onto the man with a spinning strike, a great amount of force began to be exerted, as Flin succesfully and rather easily stopped my strike.

'Okay- He's no joke!'

I thought, shedding a sweat.
Flin seemingly grinned under his mask, before cracking my scythe. Letting out a surprised gasp, I quickly let go of the weapon, leaping away from the man dressed in robes, before the scythe was shattered into pieces.

[Flin] "Interesting... A weapon with not much physical power, but incredibly powerful poison, capable of killing someone within seconds."

He commented. I shed another sweat - somehow he had perfectly described my weapon and its attributes, based solely on the way it looked and presumably felt as well....
Now that is some next level paying close attention..

[Flin] "Buut, you'll have to try harder than that."

He stated, before creating a group of tentacle things from his back, sending them towards me.
Gasping again, I quickly leapt into the air, before manifesting a Venom Halberd, infusing it with Abyss magic to create the Abyssal Venom Halberd. Afterwards, I began to tear through the black tentacles, using 'Abyss Magic' to create platforms mid air to bounce from.

I remained air borne this way for a couple of moments, before eventually breaking through all of the tentacles. However, I shouldn't have let my guard down, as the moment the last tentacle was severed, a ton more came from the side, striking me and sending flying back.

I managed to catch myself, slowing myself down with the Halberd.

[Flin] "Impressive! No one has managed to last this long against me!"

He stated.
Then, Wezrall suddenly rushed at him, before attempting to punch Flin - only for the powerful punch to be stopped in its tracks, as Flin used even more black tentacles to throw Wezrall away, before restricting his movement.

[Wezrall] "You Mortal Trash—!"

"Wezrall stop! I'll handle this!"

I shouted, stopping Wezrall before he could activate his authority skill. The Wendigo King looked at me confused, however didn't ask anything and simply nodded.

[Wezrall] "Very well my Lord. I shall leave this in your hands."

He replied, breaking free of the restrictions and continuing the rampage upon the small fry members of the Hand Sons.
I then turned to face Flin again, with a dead serious expression. Flin laughed.

[Flin] "Haha! You must be an idiot to not allow the Wendigo King to fight with all he's got! Against me, he is the only thing that could give you a slight chance against me!"

He shouted, before leaping at me at insane speed - such speed that I wasn't able to perceive him fully, even with my 'Overworld Detection' skill.
Before I could react, Flin pummelled me into the air with an uppercut, breaking the halberd in an instant, before catching up to me and punching me again, catching up and punching me back.

He continued like this for a small bit, pummeling me over and over again, while managing to keep me in the air.
While I wasn't taking any heavy damage to my HP, my fake human body was beginning to slowly crumble from the consecutive strikes.

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