35. - Harcone.

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     Slight shivers went down my spine, as the Knight repeated his question.

[Harcone] "I said, what is your name?"

"My apologies - I am Shin, an Adventurer. Nice to meet you..?"

I replied, extending an arm out for a handshake. Harcone looked down at me silently, while everyone else around let out a collective gasp, before beginning to gossip among one another about how I apparently had the 'guts' to be so casual with a Heavenly Knight.

'I mean... He sounds like a big deal, but it can't be THAT much of a big deal.. Right?'


...Whose side are you on-?

Then, a moment later, the Knight shook my hand.

[Harcone] "I accommodate your bravery on not freaking out or being afraid of being in my presence. You may call me Harcone - I am one of the Holy Knights, as well as one of the Heavenly Knights."

He introduced himself, before letting go of my hand. After this, you can imagine what reaction the crowd around had - yup, they basically freaked out again.

Although, I didn't get why they were being so dramatic about it - this knight, or I guess I should call him by his name, Harcone seemed to be a polite and kind person.

"Well, I wasn't ever the type to be intimidated easily.."

[Harcone] "I see... Well, that definitely is a sight to behold."

He stated, before crossing his arms.

"Soo... Sir Harcone, why did you approach me?"

Harcone remained silent for a few moments after I asked my question, before letting out a heavy sigh.

[Harcone] "Nothing. I apologize for disturbing you."

He stated, before walking back to his horse, getting on it and continuing his way with the Holy Guards following behind him.

Once the whole armageddon had left, the crowd began to scatter - chatting among themselves about what had just happened.

'Greaat... Now I'm in the center of attention..'

I thought before rubbing the back of my neck. I guess that will wrap up my business on the town streets. Although, I have to say - the interaction with that 'Heavenly Knight'... Definitely was kinda short.

So, without any further a do, I simply began to march on forward, back towards the inn I was staying at - after all, I doubt anyone would sell me any of their items after what just had happened.



      Back in the inn, I was once again in my room, only this time sitting by the window, looking out of it at the town.
Man, whatever happened earlier today was very, very weird. I mean, the whole knight arrival thing was definitely not in my list of - 'Things that will happen to me in this life'.

Although... It did once again feel like a classic isekai troupe.
Where have I heard this before... A Holy Knight or so comes to a town where the protagonist just so happens to be at and has their first interaction with the protagonist there...

I swear I've seen this before in a novel or manga.

Well, who cares - it's not like I'm the protagonist in this situation. I'm just a snake, pretending to be human so I don't get killed.

'I wonder... Should I perhaps go out into the forest and do that Dungeon I didn't get to do because of the whole Monster Heart fiasco?.. Could be fun.'

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