108. - Battle Against the Cursed Paladin.

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        Back in the Battlefield
           Between the Heroes and Olhade.

      Olhade continued his clash against the Seraph, striking the chains back and away from him while repeatedly getting closer and closer. Meanwhile Kio was still praying with the amulet in hands, the light it emitted getting stronger with every second.

As Olhades giant sword clanged against the Seraphs chains, it was slowly beginning to chip away from the divine magic infused inside the chains, which did make him to rethink his way of fighting and slowly begin using his fists to reflect the chains.

The scene was getting more intense by every passing second.

However at the same time, it seemed like Olhade was beginning to overpower the power of the Seraph, as the chains slowly became slower and weaker in terms of their power.
Unlike before, where the chains would burn Olhades body due to their divine magic, now Olhade could grab them and easily rip them apart like a string.

Kio became more and more distressed as she began to pray even harder.
She wasn't exactly sure what she was even praying for - maybe a deity? An angel? Just anyone to come and save her.

However, it seems like her time praying wasn't enough, as Olhade finally managed to bridge the gap between him and the Seraph, before with one strike of his sword, slicing through the Seraph with ease, destroying it in an instant.

Kio gazed up with a tearful look, her body trembling from fear as Olhade landed right infront of her. He gazed down at the girl, letting lose a laugh.

[Olhade] "That was a fun struggle, however... Your time is up."

He stated, lifting up his sword, and preparing to send it down crashing onto the girl. Kios arms dropped to her side, the amulet she was holding dropping to the ground from her arm.
Then, Olhade swung his sword down at the girl, confident to hit her this time.

But - of course - nothing is ever that simple.
Olhades strike was intercepted and blocked by Wezrall, who managed to create a durable enough of an Icicle to block the strike.
Olahde gasped lightly.

[Wezrall] "Move!"

[Odale & Iyka] "On it!"

The two of them leapt into action, with Odale immediately using his 'Death Beam' skill to get Olhades attention.
Luckily it worked, as Olhade quickly retaliated and withdrew his sword and blocked the incoming beam. However, he wasn't home free yet, as Iyka leapt in up close, enclosing her fist in the Spiritual Flame she could use, before punching Olhade in the gut, causing him to flinch slightly.

However, overall, there wasn't much damage. Iyka nervously laughed, as Olhade knocked her away. However, immediately afterwards, Wezrall got up close, using his feet to launch Olhade far away.

[Wezrall] "Take the Hero Frindel!"

Frindel manifested next to Kio with an orange flame, before nodding.

[Frindel] "Keep him busy now Monster Lord."

Wezrall shook his head at her comment, before dashing in towards Olhade, who was still a bit shaken up from Wezralls kick, before locking him in a standoff of strength, locking his hands with Olhades, which also ensured that he didn't have his sword.

Olhade struggled slightly to keep up with the physical strength of Wezrall.

[Olhade] "A Wendigo?... No... The Wendigo King.."

[Wezrall] "Good deduction. You can take it to the Underworld with you."

Wezrall stated, before letting go one of Olhades hands and pummeling him in the face, sending Olhade flying back again.
As Olhade crashed against a tree, before he could regain his balance, Odale flew in and quickly cast a spell, which completely engulfed Olhade, restricting him in place.

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