31. - Conquering an Infestation

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    I'd like to start by saying, apologies for not posting a chapter yesterday. I was at a ball and did not have time to write.

Also, thanks for 3k reads? I suppose?
Well, anyways - this chapters a bit longer than previous ones — so have an enjoyable reading session!


      We walked for a little while and eventually the atmosphere around began to shift to a more dull and 'grim' one, as the Magical Energy began to change from normal to the 'special' one that Monsters possessed.

My guess was that the Monster Heart was most likely the thing letting out so much of this 'impure' Magical Energy into the air.

I lead the way, following the path that
[Sages' Wisdom] had projected in front of me, while Avid simply trailed behind me - gripping his weapon with a tight hold.

The reason for the grip, was that he insisted to be the one to be on the lookout for any potential ambushes monsters may attempt.

While I did try to protest a little - mainly, by saying that such a thing won't be necessary - I ultimately failed, as my words seemed to fail completely to convince him.

Oh well - I suppose it is good to know that there was at least someone strong keeping an eye out for ambushes.

    We walked for a little while longer, a rather awkward silence beginning to build between us.

[Avid] "Tell me something Shin."

Avid suddenly broke the silence with his sort of distorted voice.

[Avid] "How come you know which way to go?"

Oh shit - I didn't tell him about [Sages' Wisdom].. right.
Well — Can't really blame me. After all, I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him about the skill anyways.

Seeing as I presented myself as a 'Black Sorcerer' and I strongly doubt that black sorcerers usually possess skills such as mine.

Scratch that - I KNOW they don't.

"Well... I really just use a special technique to differentiate the Impure Magical Energy from the monster heart and the 'pure' Magical Energy in the air around."

I replied, throwing a quick gaze back at him.

"It's a little trick I learned."

I added at the end before looking away. Let's hope he buys my bs and doesn't try to question it.
I mean, it sounds plausible - doesn't it?

Well, it sounds plausible to me at the very least - but then again, I don't know what exactly counts as 'Normal' or 'Average' in this world.

Avid seemed a bit curious however did not ask any questions and simply nodded lightly.

[Avid] "I see... Well, it's certainly a useful skill - that's for sure."

I felt a tiny bit surprised about his answer - did he actually believe me?
Well, I ain't complaining. If he believes me, then it saves me the trouble of trying to come up with even more lies to expand upon my original lie.

While I kept a calm and collected look on my face, internally I could feel a part of me simply sigh in relief - most likely absolutely glad that I wasn't found out.

     We continued to move forward and forward, until eventually - we reached a point where the trail that [Sages' Wisdom] had set up for me cut off.

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