65. - A Man Laid with a Curse.

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      I was - once again - back in the god damn abyss. Gosh, I REALLY hated this part of the evolution. I mean — is it necessary for me to be knocked the fuck out everytime I evolved into a next stage of a serpentine?
Surely, surely it could be a quick and cut out process just like the evolution from a regular Serpentine to Dark Snake was.

Then, finally, I regained consciousness, before springing back to life - after spending what felt like forever in the abyss.

'Man, I do NOT like evolving..'

Why not? It benefits you a lot.

Yeah, well, the time I spend in the abyss every time I evolve is not worth it.
Then, I heard the announcement of my evolution as a small menu window also popped up in front me.

Evolution Successful.
You have evolved into
'Inferior Darkness Serpentine'

- Attention -

Due to the evolution,
Some skills have become incompatible with your biology.
The incompatible skills will be disposed off.

I'm sorry - say what now?
Incompatible skills will be lost? The fucking hell did that mean?-

Before I could overthink it, I felt as some power began to lose my body for a couple of moments. After a bit, another menu window popped up.

Incompatible Skills have been successfully
Disposed off and turned into
' Skill Orbs '

Skills that were lost:
[Thread Manipulation]
[Beasts Will]

Atleast it was non useful skills that I lost..
I genuinely don't remember the last time I used freaking [Thread Manipulation], however..
[Beasts Will] definitely came in handy a few times..

After confirming the loss of these skills, three small orbs of different colour - Blue, Grey and White respectively - appeared infront of me.

Guess these were the skill orbs it mentioned..
What exactly do they do though?

On a rough analysis that I've done on them in my time alive, 'Skill Orbs' are a special kind of item that allow one to gain the skill contained within after shattering the orb.

I see...
Then I should most definitely keep onto them in case they come in handy in the future.

After all that, I decided to take a look at my status window, just to see what had happened to my stats.

"Open Status."

Name; Faofa Shin
Species; Inferior Darkness Serpentine
Level; 90
Rank; B
HP; 134,090 — ATK; 25,670
<Reincarnated> ; <Ally of Abyss> ;
<Guardian of The South> ; <Dragon Slayer> ;
<Ally of Fire> ; <Bringer of Hope> ;
<Child of Darkness> ;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common Skills • [Trickster]

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