72. - So... THIS is an Alchemist..?

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      I waited for a while, however, no response. This wasn't a repeat of the scene that happened in the Deadmans Graveyard is it?—
I would prefer not to break into someones house only to have them ambush me again.

I decided to wait a little while longer, just to see if anyone would come to the door before knocking again. However, it seemed like no one was replying, so I simply exhaled lightly and knocked onto the door again, only a bit harder this time.

'Gotta be careful with the strength I put into the knock. Don't want to break down the door.'

I thought, before crossing my arms and waiting again. Luckily, it seemed like this time was loud enough, as I heard some scurrying and rustling on the other side of the door.

[?] "C-Coming..!"

A voice inside announced. It sounded like a female voice, so I was immediately guessing that this alchemist was female, even before they opened the door.
A moment later, the door was unlocked before being flung open, with a.... Human? Standing in the door frame exhausted. No wait, upon a closer look, this person had animal ears and what looked like a bushy tail.

Maybe a beast folk person?
I had heard about them in Ordial, the so called 'Demi-Humans'.

The woman looked at me, her eyes wide as hell, even without any shock in them. Guess it was by nature.

[?] "Oh! H-Hello! Can I help you?"

"Uh... Hi.. I am an Adventurer from Ordial and I came here to participate in the investigation of the recent disappearances of multiple villagers..."

[?] "O-Oh! You're from the Guild? Then come in!"

She rushed slightly back inside, nudging me to come inside after her. I was a bit hesitant and one may say 'sceptical' at first, however a moment later followed after the lady inside the house, being forced to crouch down slightly as the roof of the house wasn't exactly.... Suited for my human forms height.

Part of we was dying to go into my Snake form, however, I knew that would simply cause unnecessary problems and complications with this beastfolk lady.

Speaking of which, the lady led me through a rather narrow hall with had the aforementioned low ceiling, before leading me into a large room, with a significantly higher ceiling and a lot of space inside of it.

On a rough scale, I'd say this was shockingly comparable to the Ancient Ones lair I found back in the Deadmans Graveyard.

Please do not compare my grand lair of masterful engineering to this amateurs hole.

Harsh much?-

[?] "Apologies for the slight mess, I have been very busy with the investigation of the recent disappearances so things like cleaning up have taken a break."

She apologised, facing me.
Now that I had a full view of her body, I was able to use my appraisal skills to figure out that the woman belonged to a species named 'Tynoon' which basically were squirrel and racoon people.

She so happened to be one of the 'racoon people' that were in this species.

[?] "Please, take a seat dear adventurer! You must be exhausted from your journey here."

'Not really, but I suppose I can take a seat to discuss the disappearances case.'

I thought to myself, before sitting down into the couch she had pointed me to, as she quickly scurried around.
A moment later, she brought out a teapot with two cups - strange looking cups I should mention, before pouring what looked like tea into both of them.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now