52. - An Infestation? Great..

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      I continued to follow the map for next few hours, until the sun set. I had set up a small campfire in a less grassy field as I intended to rest for the night and not risk continuing my journey.
Even with my whole infrared or what I like to call it, 'heat vision', walking through the dense darkness of the night didn't seem like the best idea.

Even if I wasn't in danger of being attacked, I was very much in slight danger of potentially getting lost or even worse, ending up somewhere FAR OFF the road I was supposed to be on.

So, I was not gonna risk it.

Sitting by the cackling fire, I simply stared into it, silently thinking to myself about the life I had lived up to this moment.
It had only been around 2 Months since my reincarnation as a snake in this world and yet, so much has happened already.

Well, a lot for me has happened.
I've grown to feel more.. alive - something I didn't expect to ever feel again, especially due to my life as a work slave in my 'old' or 'original' world.
However, while I was sort of glad to feel alive again, I have to say, in this moment, sitting by the campfire, I felt... Kinda lonely.

I guess I had gotten used to the lively and people filled atmosphere of Ordial, so now that I was all alone in a forest during the night - it felt.. strange.
Now, while I did feel lonely, I also felt a bit... Weird. Almost cold and uncaring about the feeling of loneliness.
Like I actually didn't care about being alone. I couldn't wrap my head quite around it, noir really pinpoint what exactly I was feeling in this moment, so I don't know how to exactly explain it.

'Maybe I feel careless to the loneliness because of me not being a human..?'

I thought.
One thing I could say, is that me being a 'monster' now definitely had an effect on me. As a human, you are always taught about morals and values, and whatever — But now as a Monster...

I felt... Empty.
I felt.. Strange. Like I said - I don't know how to describe the feeling I had right now.

Eventually, I simply sighed, shaking my head and clearing my mind of the present thoughts.

'I should focus on getting some rest.. I have to continue my path early tomorrow.'

I thought, before dropping to the ground next to the campfire, simply laying in the grass.
I looked up at the stars above. I have to say, it has been a while since I had been able to properly appreciate how beautiful the starry night sky is...

Getting used to sleeping in a bed, inside a building has kind of taken away from the novelty of enjoying a starry sky at night, which I had while lost in that dense, monster filled forest.

As I watched the stars shine down from above, I simply smiled to myself.

'Maybe I'll try to be a bit more open after I'm done with this quest.'

I thought to myself, closing my eyes afterwards, slowly drifting off to sleep as the fire next to me, continued to crackle throughout the night.

        Next Morning...
     I was once again up early and back on the path. The sun was already beaming quite a bright light down to the ground, its rays managing to pierce through the tree line around me.

I was following the map like yesterday, making sure to stick to the path marked in it.
So far, despite the marked path stating that I may run into some monsters while walking through it, I had not encountered a single other monster.

Although that was probably a good thing - as it meant I had nothing to distract me from my path, I couldn't help but feel a bit weirded out by the lack of monsters around.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now