62. - Meeting of 24.

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       [Ione] "In the Authority granted to me by Lord Krason - I announce the Meeting of 24 as officially begun!"

He announced, sending a slight round of applause through all the attendees.
After that, everyone sat down, as the meeting, began.

- R e b o r n  A s  a  S n a k e ! -

       As the meeting began, the topics of the meeting were laid out. The Death of the Guardian of the Southern Monster Heart, the Disappearence of Arabor the Abyss and lastly, the recent active behaviour from the 'Hand Sons of Tritery'.

After the topics were laid out, Ione stood up.

[Ione] "Let's start off with the first topic - The death of the Guardian of the Southern Monster Heart."

Ione stated, before snapping.
A magic 'hologram' appeared above the table, showcasing the replay of the event - the fight between the Guardian and a mysterious force as well as the death of the Guardian at the hands of this mysterious force.

After that, Ione caused the 'hologram' to disappear.

[Ione] "That is the scene that our secret messengers picked up."

Ione finished, sitting down.
A dead silence took place, before one of the Demon Lords lifted his right hand up.

[Ui {8th Demon Lord}] "Question, is this replay true and accurate?"

Some of the High Grades looked at the Demon Lord with annoyed stares, almost asking if he was doubting their evidence.

However, before any of them could speak, Ione coughed.

[Ione] "Yes. It is as accurate as we could get. There is no doubt about it."

He replied calmly, impressing the other grades a bit.

[Ghuj {9th Demon Lord}] "If that's the case, that means that one of the four guardians of the Ancient Monster hearts has perished, despite their Immortality."

Another demon lord spoke up - this one, looked more like a Mammoth on two legs.

[Dasne {12th Demon Lord}] "And that means that we could have a huge problem on our hands.."

A Female demon lord spoke up, before sighing.

[Ione] "Thus why we are holding this meeting right now. All three topics of today are worrying and can possibly cause unwanted and unpredicted circumstances that could result in great problems arising for both, the Holy Night Order and the Demon V's."

Ione explained.
Another silence took place for a couple of moments.

[Vallrek {4th Demon Lord}] "Do we know the cause for the death? As in who was the one who fired off that giant crimson serpent?"

Jivik cut Ione short before he could respond.

[Jivik] "Unfortunately, no information on the individual that caused that scene has been uncovered. However, we've sent one of the Heavenly Knights at our disposal to investigate a bit further."

[Finj {7th Demon Lord}] "Any updates from that knight?"

[Hadnik] "Not yet. He hasn't sent any messages about his findings, which leads us to guess that there have been no leads found yet."

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