83. - Farewell Ordial.

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4 Days later...

Me and Wezrall were on the road. Well, we were already on the road for a whole day - as to not waste any time. When the time came to leave Ordial, the Guildmaster made sure to give me as much information as possible about the city I was going to. He gave me the exact location of the guild in the city, the best inn in it and other useful things to know.

He even gave me his old map that had the entire continent of the world I was inside of - just so I wouldn't get lost.
Apparently, the City of Merchants, Yiinao, was around a month long travel from Ordial and the usual small territory maps would not suffice this time around.

I have to say one thing - I did not realise just how big this world truly was..
The area around Ordial was just a small part of a giant continent, that spread on for what I imagine in life is hundred-thousands of kilometres in every direction. It genuinely was... Something marvelous.

The path me and Wezrall were taking to Yiinao was one of the less public ones. Aka, we were not using any of the well known and labeled roads and instead were using any other roads that just happened to lead in the same direction.

Partly to avoid any unnecessary encounters with other people, also partly so we could resume our true forms again.

Which also meant that yes-
I was in my snake form, chilling around Wezralls neck as he was in his Wendigo form. Luckily for us, the Guildmaster supplied us with a carriage we were allowed to drive all on our own - probably because he knew that we'd prefer to not have an escort.

[Wezrall] "My Lord, are you sure you don't want me to hold the map? I can do it-"

"No, no it's fine Wezrall. Just keep controlling the carriage."

[Wezrall] "I- .....Very well..."

Yeah, Wezrall was the coachman here controlling the carriage. I was in charge of the map - but how? you may ask.

I don't have any hands in my snake form, so holding a map would be impossible... Right?

Weellll... Not exactly.
I - well, more specifically Ancient One - thought of using my 'Shadow Manipulation' skill to create two 'shadow arms' which I could control like normal ones while remaining in my snake form.

Basically giving me arms, as a snake.

Yeah! Arms on a snake!
Most peoples worst fear, if I do say so myself.

Especially when does arms just so happen to be extremely powerful shadow appendages, capable of much more than normal mortal arms.

'Wow.... What a way to make something already rather terrifying, more horrifying..'

I thought, sighing, before looking at the map again.

Currently we were on a road that took us straight through the Abyssal Woods - the first of many landmarks we would have to cross through to get to Yiinao.

"Hey Wezrall, can I ask you something?"

I asked, rolling up the map before tossing it into the carriage, making the shadow arms disappear afterwards.

[Wezrall] "Hmm? What is it Lord Faofa?"

"Do you know anything about Monster Rankings? I've been wondering about that for a while."

I could have told you a while ago—

[Wezrall] "Monster Rankings? You mean the threat level of monsters?"

"Threat level? How does it work-?"

Wezrall thought for a moment.

[Wezrall] "Well, to put it simply - The 'Ranking' is based from D to SSS. Each 'rank' or 'level' refers to the destruction the monster is capable of causing, with the three highest ones - S, SS and SSS, meaning Catastrophe, Calamity and Pandemonium respectively."

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