Chapter 3

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Greg's gaze cut through to his son in anger.
"Who asked you to speak"? He growled out making his son swallow and look down at his feet.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you, do you know who that is"? He growled out walking around the table and standing right in front of his son.
"I don't care about you wanting to get yourself killed but while you're at it, try not to drag me into it" he growled out glaring at his son

Nathan just swallowed before his eyes landed on his sister

"And you" his father muttered looking at his daughter "get ready you're getting married to Spade" he muttered

"But dad I don't even know him" she argued and he just glared at her before taking steps close to her, she recoiled back in fear

"You don't have to know him, you just have to marry him, you don't really have much of a choice"

"Why"? Nathan whispered looking at his father, he couldn't understand why this sudden action taken by his father, they barely even knew the man, hell he bet his father didn't even know the man and he's willing to push his daughter to him for marriage.

Greg turned and faced Nathan
"Well it's none of your business but since you asked, I'm in a debt and as you know the business isn't really in good shape, I need all the money I can get and Spade is ready to offer me more than enough, but he wants something in return" he explained his voice hard and hateful

"So you sold her"? Nathan whispered looking at his father with so much pain

"Watch your mouth boy, I won't hesitate to show you your place right here and right now" he growled out warningly to his son
"What use is a daughter if she can't help her father in need"? He asked no one in particular

Nathan could see the laboured breathing of his sister and the unshed tears she held back, because even if she cried it wouldn't change anything.

Nathan wanted to protest or at least say something, anything but he couldn't, what would he say?
He always knew his father was bound to make such a decision but he never thought it'd be this soon

"Get ready, the next time Spade shows up here, you'll be signing that contract, no questions asked" he said pointing to his daughter before walking towards his desk "now both of you get out of my sight, I don't even know why I called you here in the first place, it's not like I needed you" he muttered the last part out.

Nathan gave him one long last look before slowly following behind his sister as they both walked out of the study.

Instead of going back downstairs, his sister turned and headed straight for her room.
He could hear her light sobs as he followed her, he entered inside her room and she was on the bed sobbing with her back to the door.

"Go away, I don't want to talk" she muttered choking on her own sobs

"Suzy" he let out a deep breath "look I know.... I know how you feel, I just wanna be here for you" he whispered before sitting on the bed

Her shoulders shook as she sobbed, she slowly turned and faced him, her eyes were red and swollen, with tears coming out of them

"How can he do this to me? Nate he sold me to that....that man" she croaked out

"I know Su, I just..... I never thought he'd do something like this, he'd stoop so low" Nathan muttered thinking about it again.

His father knew how dangerous Spade is, yet he didn't care about all that and still went ahead to make such a deal with him.
He didn't even think of the possibility of Spade hurting Suzy, or worse what if he killed her right after marrying her.

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