Chapter 16

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Both men stood at the most deserted part of the area, the place was completely empty and devoid of any human, well partly because the dock was mostly used for business transaction involving moving of shipment through water, and secondly because it was pretty dark out, only the chirping of crickets could be heard as they chirped and hopped loudly.

"What are we doing here Spade" the blonde of the two men asked as they both stood by the harbour where the huge ships and mini boats were at.

"We're here to meet someone" Spade grunted as his eyes raked over the huge, long extended metal containers used for holding shipments.
The person they were meeting was in one of them.

Matteo looked at Spade his eyes bearing a lot of questions and his thoughts already asking the questions.
"At the dock? we're meeting someone at the dock, Spade do you know how dangerous it is, with just the two of us"? He asked and Spade just gave him a bored expression, before sighing out

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're scared" he taunted and Matteo just snorted, the last thing he was right now, was scared.
Sure he was worried and a bit skeptical about meeting someone here at this time of the night, it wasn't safe, especially for someone like Spade, this could very well be a trap and they'd be walking right into it.

"I'm not scared Spade, just very concerned" he muttered and Spade's lips tilted in a half smile, Matteo couldn't see this because the whole place was dark, he could barely even see his own hand

"Let's go Matteo" he muttered walking away with his hands in his pocket, Matteo sighed before following closely behind him, they walked towards one of the containers, before bypassing it and walking past it, they took a left turn, Matteo turned back to see if they were being followed but there was no one, he turned back and followed Spade through the long row of containers lined up, after passing through five containers, they took another left turn and walked in between two containers, Spade stopped at the one he usually met this person at.

They walked towards the entrance and it wasn't locked like the others, he opened it, making a very loud metallic creaking sound, they both stepped inside.

It wasn't dark like a usual container should be, there was a single bulb in the middle, very dim, but bright enough that they could see the man standing in the middle as if waiting for them.

Inside was much hotter than Matteo expected, and a bit clustered, too small but he had to suck it up.
Spade was the first to approach the man in the middle, before Matteo followed behind him, he reached his hand behind him, and grazed the gun he had safely tucked in there, it was always there for precaution, he carried one with him all the time.

Spade stopped just a few feet away from the man, now the light was shining in the middle of both, barely illuminating either of their face, Matteo could hardly see what the man in front looked like, but from his silhouette he already knew who it was, only now did he relax.
The man was wearing a hooded sweater, making sure the hoodie was securely placed on his head, shielding his face, with his hands safely tucked away in the pocket of the hoodie, black pants.

"Carlos" Spade's hoarse voice echoed in the room as the hooded man gave him a Curt nod, his eyes darting to Matteo, both men stared at each other for a second before the guy in the hoodie looked away, his gaze fixated on Spade

"Mr DeVille" he muttered

Spade watched him, to see if anything was off about him, his eyes momentarily darting behind the man, watching the room with close rapt attention, he wanted to be sure he still had the man on his side before he spoke

"I think we're long over due for this meeting" he stated "I'm gonna go straight to the point here, what happened last month"? He asked looking at the man, gauging his reaction, watching his every move, from the way his hands moved in his pocket, to the way his eyes darted between himself and Matteo, waiting to see if he would slip up or do something that would suggest he was a threat.
"The police raid" he added with an expressionless face.

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