Chapter 15

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The whole room was graveyard silent, not even a pin drop could be heard as all the men looked at each other and at Spade at the head of the table.

Salvatore was the first to speak up, drawing the whole attention away from Spade and to him.
Even Spade had turned to look at him

"We're all gathered here today for one reason and one reason alone, The auction" his hoarse, and very strange voice resounded in the room, he sounded like he was wheezing and trying to make a sentence at the same time, like there was something stuck in his throat stopping the words from coming out clearly.

The other men agreed nodding their heads and looking at each other.
"The reason why we're here to discuss that" he muttered his eyes landing on Spade "is because we want to host this year's auction here in New York" he finished, Spade almost didn't hear him correctly.

Did he just say he was going to bring this year's auction to New York?
It has never happened Before, not once in 20 years, so why now? Why suddenly?

He looked back at the other men and they all seemed to be in sync with this, in some sort of silent agreement with what Salvatore had just said.
They can't be serious, the only person that had the same look as him was Matteo, he also seemed to be just as confused and curious as Spade.

"The auction that is supposed to hold three months from now"? He asked and they all nodded "you want it here in New York? What happened to holding it in Rome? It has always been like that"? His voice cut through everyone's thoughts in the room, making Salvatore's words and declaration seem less important.

"Spade" Salvatore's voice cut through again, since he was closer to Spade, it was easy to speak without having to raise his voice "you said it yourself, we have always done it in Rome, for as long as anybody can remember, we all thought it was time for a change" he said looking at the others and they all nodded in agreement making small talks amongst themselves, whispers going round in the room

Spade's eyes left his uncle and watched each of the men as they all agreed and whispered amongst each other
"So you all agree to this"? His strong, hard voice stopped all their whispers as his eyes moved from each one of them, making a few recoil back, and some others avoiding his accusing gaze.

"Uhh.... It's a good idea, i think" one of the men from the right side of the table, fourth chair, whispered, making Spade to turn to him with a sharp gaze, he quickly looked down, not meeting his eye.
"And we... We just wanted to ask you for permission" he further added

Spade's eyes scrutinized him very well, he knew this man very well, this was one of his father's allies, one of the many people who had dealings with his father when he was still Capone.

"No" he thundered and immedaitely gasps could be heard in every corner of the room, as everyone had their eyes on him again
"The auction will hold in Rome, not here in New York" he finished

"But Gio this is a good business opportunity, do you know just how much money can come from having this auction here in New York"? Salvatore asked looking at Spade expectantly "you don't even have to be there if that's what you're concerned about, all you have to do is just give us the green light and we'll take it from there" he finished.

True Spade might be involved in things like the auction and other unorthodoxed activities, but he was always never present for any of it, Matteo was always his representative there, and when the time for splitting the money came, he always ensured he got his cut, which is of course the biggest, since he funded most of them.

But he wasn't at all worried about anyone seeing him at something like that, he was in the mafia surely no one should think he was a saint, he had more blood on his hands than he can even mention.

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