Chapter 103

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"Something did happen that's made me not come around the club" he muttered, almost inaudibly, but Matteo heard him, he already had his eyes on Nate.

"Did someone hurt you? or threaten you"? He asked and Nate just shook his head, biting on his bottom lip, he didn't think it would be a good idea to give Matteo all the details of what happened, but he'd explain to the best of his ability, leaving out a few things, for personal reasons.

"No, no one's threatened or hurt me" he sighed out again "something happened between Spade and I"

He saw as Matteo's brows furrowed together
"Gio"? He asked and Nate nodded, wondering if there was another Spade he didn't know about, of course it was Giovanni.
"Did he do something to hurt you"? Matteo pressed, Nate just sighed out again and shook his head

"No, what happened wasn't really much of a thing, actually it wasn't really much of anything" he whispered, more to himself than to the blonde sitting beside him.
"I didn't think Spade wanted it to be anything at all, so I pretended like it didn't happen, I avoided him" he paused, his eyes landing on Matteo again, he knew he had the blonde's attention with the way his eyes was set on him.
"And then everything became awkward, but then a few days ago, it happened again, and this time I didn't start it, Spade did" he muttered before his eyes landed on his finger, he started fiddling with it again.

"Did you want it to he something more than what happened"? Matteo asked making Nate to look at him again, he shrugged his shoulder.

"I dunno, I guess I did at first, but then..." He paused

"Then what"? Matteo pressed

"Then after the second time I kind of got scared, everything became too real for me and I ran" he muttered, already feeling his skin and body crawl with anxiety and self consciousness, he felt as if Matteo would judge him

"Why did you run away"? Matteo asked gently, Nate swallowed because the reason he ran away might not be reason enough for Matteo but it was to him.

"I guess I was scared, I couldn't handle something real, and I didn't think Spade..." He paused, what he was about to say was hard and if he finally admitted out loud there'd be no turning back, and it would be stamped with him forever

Matteo's stared at him softly
"You didn't think Spade felt the same way" Matteo stated, Nate's head whipped up as his brown eyes matched with Matteo's blue ones, he swallowed, feeling as though Matteo had spoken the words right out of his mouth
"You're scared you would get hurt" he added.

This time Nate couldn't help but nod slowly.
"Do you like him"? Matteo asked.

Nate lowered his head, feeling his body go hot with emotions and his face heat up, he knew a blush would have already appeared on his face, but it disappeared as fast as it came when the voice in his head reminded him how much of a pathetic person he was.

He looked up and sighed again
"What does it matter if I do? He doesn't feel that way for me" he whispered, this made Matteo to scrunch his brows

He chuckled, making Nate to look at him, his face morphing into one of confusion, he was wondering what had suddenly become so funny and amusing to Matteo.
"What makes you think he doesn't feel that way for you"? He asked and Nate just shrugged.

"A whole lot of reasons, first Spade's way above my standard, he can have anyone he wants, I really don't think he'd settle for someone like me, plus, he's not even gay"

This made Matteo to even chuckle louder than before
"Are you"? He asked, Nate just scrunched his nose up, letting the tip grow pink

"Am I what"? He asked cluelessly

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